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Saturday, March 8, 2008

History of Burbank High School

Not sure when this was written - 1996? but here's the source

History of Burbank High School

Prior to 1908, Burbank had no provisions for giving any instruction at the high school level. Students who wanted to go to high school attended the school in the Glendale Union High School District.

In 1908 Burbank withdrew from the Glendale High School System and started a high school district of its own. As a result of a bond issue in 1908 construction was started on a new high school building. It was located on San Fernando Boulevard facing the boulevard between Cypress and Grinnell Streets. This was a two-story frame structure. While the new school was being constructed, an unoccupied part of the old grammar school, three classrooms, was used for the first high school classes in Burbank, starting September 14, 1908, with Henry Kerr, principal, and Miss Jessie L. Harte, teacher. They had 42 students in this first high school class. Courses in English, Latin, Algebra, Plane Geometry, Ancient History, Physical Geography, and Chemistry were offered.

School opened in the new Union High School building at Cypress and San Fernando Boulevard in September, 1910. The first graduating class consisted of three students: Fred Schriener, Ora Schriener and Nettie Frazier, now Mrs. Thrasher. Mr. Will Hoist, a resident of Burbank at the present time, was a graduate of the class of 1911. He was the first Student Body President and originated the name "Ceralbus", which has been used for the name of the BHS annual ever since.

The Union High School building was used for the high school grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, until 1922 when all of the high students were moved to the new BHS at Third and Fairmount which had been built during the year of 1921-22. The new building was first occupied in September, 1922. The student body of the new school totaled about 300 in number, with a teaching staff of 20.

The old Union High School was then converted into an intermediate school with 7th and 8th grades and was used for instructional purposes into the year 1927, when it was torn down. In 1925, the intermediate school became a junior high school, drawing ninth grade pupils from the senior high.

--- end ---


Hi! Guys

I collect Burbank High School Yearbooks and have a large collection, but am missing 1958 to 1964. Burbank High does have extras yearbooks, but it is a hit or miss and last year when I asked about getting some yearbooks this is what I was told:

As of last year there were no yearbooks from the 60's at all. Also you have to call BHS and leave them your name and phone number, for female your maiden name in high school. The school will look and see if they have the year books you want. You can only get the three years you attended. Example if you graduated in 1967 you can only get 1965,1966 & 1967. They even check if your senior picture is in the book or your name is listed. They charge $25.00 per book and I think 1990 or later is $50.00. They call you back and let you know if they have the book you want. If they do have the yearbook you want then you have to come in person to pick it up and you must bring some kind of ID to prove you are the one listed in the yearbook. They will not send it by mail.

They got real strict about yearbooks in 2002. It seems that a student committed suicide and his school picture was put in the news and it upset the family and then another situation occurred and the same thing happened. So the school got really strict about yearbooks.

If you wanted to purchase a current yearbook you have to know a student who curently attends there and go through them to buy a current yearbook. They use to give one new yearbook every year to the Burbank Public Library but stopped it in I believe 2002. You can check out ebay as they have BHS yearbooks for sale. Sometimes they are cheaper than BHS and other times more expensive. I saw a 1967 BHS yearbook but they were asking $100.00 for it. Anyhow hope this helps!

Linda C. Mustion
BHS 1967

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