Tell Us Your Story

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Laurie Still

Laurie and I were at Miller together and one wonderful memory I have is a slumber party at her home where she and I stayed up ALL NIGHT talking, reading Mad Magazine and laughing A LOT - LOL!! So GREAT to hear from you, Laurie!

Hi Cathy

I just received the reunion book and wanted to say hello. Unfortunately they made a mistake in my e-mail address, it is That's too bad because anyone trying to contact me with the provided address won't be able to get through.

The reunion looked like a lot of fun. I enjoyed the pix and marveled how good the women look and the guys, oh well.

It was neat to see some high school sweethearts still happily married. I married in '72 and then we moved to Alberta, Canada. My husband had completed his stint in Viet Nam and had traveled throughout Canada and loved it. We both got our citizenship and never looked back. We spent 16 years living on 40 acres out in the country and then when my son entered junior high we decided to move into a small town whose schools had an excellent reputation. So we have lived in Fort Saskatchewan since '92 and love it. Our house backs onto a trail system which in turn runs along a beautiful river. We have a jet boat and recently purchased another acreage outside of town which is partly in wheat and the rest a fantastic campsite. It too sits on the river that runs behind our house.

Our son is a 28 year old firefighter/paramedic and our 22 year old daughter is studying to become a Social Worker. I taught elementary school for 30 plus years and now occasionally "sub" at the school I retired from. My husband is an independent business man who owns several video stores.

I still keep contact with Colleen Rowland who lives near Miranda California with her husband and grandchildren. And you, you look fabulous are you sure you didn't attend BHS when you were 7, not 17? I see you live in wine country lucky you. Are you still working and who do you still have contact with?

Anyway thanks for your work with the reunion and I hope we can keep in touch via e-mail.

Laurie Still Dressler

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