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Friday, March 7, 2008

Update from Dave Thomson

Yesterday we were having email problems but all is well now. So here is the latest from Dave, the BHS Centennial chairman...

Hi Cathy - it works. It has been crazy around
here regarding the Centennial, but all good. The
website now has almost 1100 registered alumni and
staff, and we've worked out (hopefully) the main
issues/problems that we couldn't anticipate
before it launched. I am feverishly working on the
book which has to go to print by mid-June. I plan
to contact you soon concerning some of your
recollections. Also I now see several stories taking
shape, and will soon post needs for memories
concerning those events on the website. We just got
the estimates on the museum displays from a
graphic design company, so things are happening. Keep
those alumni coming to the website! Thank you
for all of your help and support. I hope you are
well and will talk with you soon.


Dave Thomson
Burbank High Social Science
Key Club Faculty Advisor
BHS Centennial Chair
818-558-4700 x51162

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