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Friday, February 27, 2009

Looking at the Loop

Received The Loop today and below are a few items from it - thanks Pam & Jon Kirkwood '64!

And if you would like to receive The Loop email, please contact Pam at


In our "F.Y.I. Department"...

Recently I was at the Tally Rand Restaurant in Loopland and noticed they were selling "Burbankopoly" (a game that is designed to look just like "Monopoly", but the streets and properties and landmarks are those of Burbank...They can be purchased for $29.95 each. (Personally, I think that "Looplandopoly" would have been more appropriate!)


Larry Maxam (1948-1968)

Here is a Super announcement from our very own Mickey DePalo '64...

Hi Pam and Jon,
This past Tuesday evening, the Burbank City Council voted unanimously to re-name Pacific Park in honor and memory of United States Marine Corporal Larry L. Maxam, who was awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously. Corporal Maxam died February 2, 1968, at Cam Lo district, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, just after his 20th birthday. The citation sighting the circumstances surrounding Corporal Maxam's being awarded the Medal of Honor can be accessed on the internet. It is very emotional to say the least. As of now, plans are being formalized for the memorial area to be constructed at Pacific Park. Our Veterans Commemorative Committee is planning to make this dedication of the park in memory of Larry L. Maxam and all soldiers who have given their lives in the service of our country as a part of our Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 25, 2009. Larry Maxam attended Emerson Elementary, John Muir, and Burbank High. What a great day it will be when the youth who come to Larry L. Maxam Memorial Park in Burbank can enjoy this beautiful park and, at the same time, learn about a true American hero, and, also pause to reflect on all the brave men and women who have lost their lives in the service of our country.

We would like anyone who may have any information on Larry Maxam's family to please let us know. Also, we would like to hear from Larry's friends who would like to share some memories. They can e-mail me at

Thanks, Pam and Jon. Talk to you soon. See you at the reunion comm. mtg. on Sunday!

Read more about Larry Maxam at Wes Clark's website and here is the Burbank Leader article


This is a "heads up" from Peggy Melton Cyphers '66, regarding her brother Don Melton '65...
Hi Pam & Jon, I want to let everyone know that my brother Don Melton is doing the "Producers" in the community theater in Simi Valley. I believe it started last week end, Feb. 20 and will run for 4 to six weeks I think. Contact him at and he can give you more information. I knew he wouldn't tell a lot of people but I know a lot of us enjoyed watching him when we were in high school. He isn't playing a lead but has several different characters he plays throughout the play. He even sings and dances. That has got to be worth the price of admission!!!!!

Chris Peterson snapped this pic at the BHS Centennial last year when we met in the patio of BJ's Restaurant Grill - great fun! LR Standing: Carol Nicholls Lebrecht '67, Chris Morris '67, Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67, Mary Brotsis Andersen '67; Sitting: Don Melton '65, Cathy Palmer '67


Also, this word from Herb Vincent '46...

Hi Pam, Thanks for the Loop...Would you put in a note that I am looking for old Ceralbuses.... mostly from the mid-forties and newer. We have many requests for them and I make them available for a $25 price, which covers the postage and any left over goes to the SB Foundation. Thanks Herb '46

NOTE: Herb sends out by US mail to anyone a monthly Senior Bulldogs News and if you want to receive it, please contact him: Herb Vincent, 704 E. Grinnell Dr, Burbank, CA 95101


Well...That about takes care of all the pertinent let's mosey over to "THE OLD MAIL BAG" and see if we have heard from anyone...

First up is our "recently retired" Joanie Nobile Ortega '67...

Hi Pam,

Well the day arrived, last Thursday, January 29, 2009, after 41 1/2 years working (first for Home Savings, then WaMu/JPMorgan Chase) I am no longer employed. Chase eliminated my department, which was WaMu's Executive Response Team in Northridge. We could have applied to keep our jobs if we wanted to move either to Chicago our Houston. However, I am very happy living in Burbank, so that was not an option. So, reluctantly, I packed my "stuff" and off I went to my next adventure, retirement. Fred and I left on Friday with Gary and Karen Smestad and drove the motorhome to Surprise AZ to visit some old Disney friends who retired there. We enjoyed three days of great weather and hospitality and returned home yesterday.

We had a busy January, our oldest grandson, Griffin Turner, celebrated his 21st birthday in Vegas with his mom and dad (our daughter and son-in-law). The same day they were all there, I took their 13 year old, Justin, to his doctor, (in Oxnard) as he had not been feeling well and was very sluggish. Justin's doctor told me to get him to Children's Hospital, L.A., as soon as possible, as his blood sugar was "off the chart." I brought him and his sisters to Burbank, left the girsl with Fred and I, along with Justin's other grandma, Katie Turner, took him to CHLA. Well, the doctors in the ER at Childrens, confirmed the diagnosis of "juvenile onset" Diabetes, Type I. Justin was hospitalized, his parent s came home the next morning, and we all learned a lot about Diabetes, blood sugar levels, insulin etc. Justin was a trooper throughout the entire experience. I have a renewed admiration for this little boy. He could not have handled this ordeal any
better. He took everything in stride and we are all proud of him.

Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Griffin leaves later this week, for his second tour in the Middle East, with the USMC. It's been a month of rollercoaster emotions to say the least.

Hope to see you sometime soon. Joan Ortega

John & Cathy Nicholls Coyle provided this photo from the '67 class 40th reunion: Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Joan Nobile Ortega, Martha Youngquist, Chris/Jay Peterson and Dawn Moselle Hourigan


Next up is...Little Bro, Bobby Carter '66...

Pammy, what a beautiful fam the Estradas are!

Also, what is wrong with Burdette??

You should know that about 15 of us 66’ers gathered at Mel Barnes ranch in Agua Dulce to watch the Super Bowl….notables like Jim Knight; Steve Lopez; Gil Uribe; Sandy Tate Uribe, Randy Boeing, etc. etc.

Place was a menagerie…goats, Guinea Hens, miniature horses; doves, chickens dogs, cats, on and on. Mel and his lovely wife Lisa can’t leave for more that 5 hours because of all the necessary feedings.

It was a literal feast and many refreshments of the liquid kind, as well. We missed you Jim Davis.

What we learned was Mel was an absolute hero in Vietnam and received numerous commendations like 3 Purple Hears, 3 Bronze Stars, and too many others to mention.

A true walking hero…let alone 31 years serving the public @ the Glendale Police Dept. But, above and beyond that, Mel is probably the nicest human being walking this planet.

Many thanks Mel and Lisa….it was a great day especially taking $50 off Gary Marca (’69).

Bob Carter

PS For those of you who don't know why Burdette Houser '66 has been on the Prayer List, he has been fighting a very mean cancer for some time...

Linda Mazur '66 took this at the BHS Centennial last year: Steve Ross '66, DeeDee Daugharty '66, Bob Carter '66, Jeanne Barron '67, John Wells '66, Ken Douglas '66, Sharon Williams '66


Be sure to remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, March Sunday Morning March 8th begins Daylight Savings Time...Yup, ya lose an hour's sleep!


This one is from Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67...
Hi Pam: I came across this photo while looking for other photos. Thought you might like to put it in your Loop Newsletter. It was taken at my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary, June 1992. Cathy

Left to right Richard Nicholls '64, George Nicholls '65, Jon Kirkwood '64, John Peterson '65, Bob Fossler '64 and Bill Henry '64


  1. Great blog, Cathy! I too enjoy getting "the Loop," despite the fact that my own generational cohort - those of us who graduated from BHS in 1974 - have yet to make much of an imprint into it. That will happen with time, I'm sure. Give us another decade or so.

    The Tallyrand... we used to go there all the time. I have one indelible memory of the place. It was in April 1975, when I was a young Marine Lance Corporal stationed at Camp Pendleton. My father and I had dined there on Sunday, as we frequently did, and I had a "Scottie" (a steak with cheese on the top), as I almost always did. But *this* Scottie was different.

    By the time I arrived at the Camp Pendleton main gate, about two hours after dinner, I had to pull over, roll down the window and threw up all over my VW Beetle door and part of I-5. Similar gastric upheavals took place the rest of the night.

    I haven't dined at the Talleyrand since!

    But I'm sure nowadays it's a perfectly good place to eat. Maybe they had a worker there who improperly handled food or something.

    But I can't see the word "Talleyrand" without an especially nasty mental image coming to mind... - Wes Clark '74

  2. Thanks so much, Wes, for sharing your Tallyrand experience... I guess - LOL!!!

    So are you going to be coming to the BHS/Burroughs picnic June 20? I've never been but plan to come this year and make a weekend of it:
    Fri nite - Bob's TL
    Sat - Picnic
    Sat nite - BJ Grill
    Sun mid-am - Denny's on Hollywood Way

    That's the possible plan anyway.

    Cathy '67

  3. Hi Cathy,
    How flattering that you liked some of the things we mentioned on the "Loop" yesterday and shared them with your Bloggers too! We Love it!...
    Wes' story about the "Tallyrand incident that
    his intestinal tract suffered years ago, was priceless! Hope he doesn't mind if I borrow it for the "Loop"...He has some wonderful stories on his Blog too...Enjoyed reading about his US Marine Corps days, since my Jon is a Marine too...
    Semper Fi, Wes!
    Keep up the good work, Cathy...You are a marvel!!!
    Pam Zipfel Kirkwood BHS '64
