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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Nicholls Twins (Carol Lebrecht & Cathy Coyle '67) Celebrated in Europe

Thanks Carol for sending these wonderful photos... looks like you all had a great time!

Hi Cathy,
Cathy and I celebrated the big "6" "0" by taking a 14 day cruise to Europe with our sister Joan, her husband Don, Cathy's husband, John and my Mom.

We went to Rome for two nights before the cruise. I can see why they say Rome is the city of Romance. As we walked out of this restaurant the owner, pictured here, handed all of us a long stemed red rose.

Picture taken at the top of the Spanish Steps, only a block away from where we stayed.

The Spanish Steps from below.

My Mom wanted to get a picture of all the girls at the Trevi Fountain.

Do you remember the movie "Three coins in a Fountain?" If you throw a coin in you will return to Rome. We were even coined "The Three Sisters" while we were there.

I figured out why someone said Rome wasn't built in a day. There is just no way you can see it all in one day. Here we are in front of the Colosseum. We also toured the Forum. It seemed so surreal to actually be here in the ancient city of Roma.

We saw the Leaning tower of Piza and visited Florence, Italy too that day.

On the beach at Nice, France. It was a warm December day here along the Mediterranean Coastline. The people there actually lay on the pebbles on the shore. We are sure spoiled with our California sandy beaches.

Our cruise took us to Italy, France, Spain and Portugal and a five day transatlantic crossing. We hated it to end, but look forward to the Holy Lands and the British Isles.
Carol Nicholls Lebrecht

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