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Monday, March 29, 2010

Update from Scott Bruckner (BHS '66)

Thanks Scott for keeping us in the loop... love your art work!

Hi there,
I thought I would share this afternoon’s event with you. I was contacted by the City Arts and Events Supervisor who has been the champion of this public art piece that is on my website. He called me Friday and asked if I could bring the piece down again for the County to look at it. As it turns out, the concrete side of the dry river bed is theirs, and since there will be a metal anchor screwed into this to help hold the piece, they had to inspect it.

The inspection was really cool because the 3 engineers really liked the piece, and we had a brief discussion on what it represented to them, with two of them having different interpretations of what they saw in the piece, that was a thrill for me.

I was told by someone with the City who attended, that the City Marathon and Children's Marathon will pass right by the piece. She estimated there will be at a minimum of 2,500 people passing my piece, and it is located at a turn in the trail that will be very visible. Wow! We have until November to make this happen. At this rate, that will be right about the right time.

See the piece at under the "Work in Progress" heading.

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