Tell Us Your Story

Monday, September 29, 2008

Luana Scott

Been emailing with Luana and asked if she would send me her bio so I could post it and here it is - THANKS LUANA - you look as beautiful as ever!

(PS If you are reading this and feel inclined to share a bit of your life with us, simply email me - we would REALLY love to hear from you!)


Just wanted to thank you for putting me in touch with the 1966 class person. I dropped Linda a note regarding my brothers death. I have been looking over your web page most of this morning and it is really well put together. Thank you for all your hard work with this site. It must be a love of yours to put that much time into it.

I guess you can post the picture I sent. There isn't much to say about me. I graduated and went to Valley JC for a short stint and then within the year moved to Honolulu where I stayed until joining up with Trans World Airlines in 1970. I was based in New York and then KC, Mo. and finally out to LAX where I spent the majority of my career until 1986 when a strike forced me to be based in St. Louis, Mo. But I didn't move - commuted back and forth until I finally got based in San Diego. I spent 10 years driving the freeway from Seal Beach to SAN and then American Airlines bought TWA and forced us into bankruptcy. I retired from American Airlines (being based in Chicago) on Dec. 15, 2007. So I had a wonderful career with the airlines and am currently employed as a sales rep for Zoom Eyeworks (yes, that would be the "cheaters" in Rite Aid, my only client) and have worked for them for 7 yrs. now. I am hoping to retire totally within the next year. I married in 1974 and was divorced a short 1 yr. 10 months 7 days and 12 and 1/2 hrs. later. (With the exception of the 12 and 1/2 hrs. it really states that on my divorce papers. LOL) I married a fellow I met in Honolulu when I was first there (the love of my life). After he left the Navy he became a cross country trucker. He definitely had other ideas of what fidelity meant. I have never remarried but enjoy the company of friends that I have acquired over the years. I have been divorced longer than most people have been married.

I moved to Seal Beach back in 1973 and have now lived in my own home longer than I ever lived in Burbank. I still own the home in Burbank (my brother Ron's and my little wee handprints are on the sidewalk) and it is an excellent rental property. I very seldom ever return to Burbank but did recently (a couple of summers ago) meet up with Susan Wildrick and Sue Gallant for a weekend at the Ramada Inn. We trekked around the area and visited old haunts if we could find them. Burbank has changed a lot !!

I have three four legged children - Mr. Beau, Vesper, & Gulliver Gal (fondly referred to as Lil Girl or Munchkin). They keep me totally supplied with all the unconditional love that pets bestow upon their humans. We get up most mornings at 0430 so that I can feed their little tummies and then back to bed again for a snooze and a cuddle. They start my day off with a smile and kitty kisses.

Well that is my life - not terribly exciting or active. Don't know why I am telling you all this and you don't need to print it all either. Just thought that maybe someone would remember me. Maybe not. But that is all that there is.

Cheers, ^jj^ ;o)) Luana

Cool pic of Luana on a cruise to Alaska this past May!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

Thanks Chris - mine looked a little scary - lol!!

Have you ever wanted to be a graduate of an earlier or later class other than 1967? Here is a website to fulfill those wishes. All you need is a frontal view picture of the victim and get ready for a laugh!

Enjoy the fun,
Chris Peterson

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"I'm okay!" - Alan Landros

Just got off the phone with Alan Landros (BHS '70) who is in ICU but sitting in a chair at UCLA Ronald Reagan Hospital after kidney transplant surgery yesterday afternoon!

He sounds great and is on the mend and thanks everyone for their prayers.

Friend and classmate, Blyden Loutensock, donated a kidney and you can read about their amazing story in the Centennial Book and in this news article.

UPDATE EMAIL from Cathy Nicholls Coyle (9/25/08 2pm):

Hi Guys:

I don't know if you have heard anything but I called Betty Drake about the status of Alan's and Blyden's surgery yesterday. Alan had emailed us her phone number to call and get updates.

Betty Drake said that the surgery yesterday went well. They are both doing fine. Blyden went into surgery at 2 pm and Alan was in from 3 pm to 7 pm. She said that they were both doing good and that they hadn't even sewed Alan up yet and the kidney was producing urine. She said that Blyden was to stay in the hospital for a couple of days but was to stay in town for a couple of weeks.

Alan was in ICU last night and they may transfer him to a regular room tonight. Alan should be in the hospital for at least 10 days. The doctor told him that he would not hurry him out because he knows he lives alone. She said that when Alan goes home that one of his neighbors would be staying with him at night and he would be ok during the day. He has a chair there that makes it easy for him to get in and out of since one of his restrictions is that he is not suppose to bend.

So I would say that all our prayers were working!!!! Let's now pray for a speedy recovery!!!


Thanks Anson and Happy Birthday!

'Potsy' in Parade 9/13/08

TODAY is Anson Heimlick Williams' birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANSON and THANKS for being master of ceremonies at the BHS Centennial.

And thanks Cathy and Joan for the great parade photos!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BHS Teachers from the 70's!

What a hoot! Thanks Wes for the link to this photo of Mike Feix, Leonard Haynes, and Barry Kenter. And thanks Cathy for sending it from Burbankia.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gregory Robinson 1951-1978 (BHS Class '69)

Thanks Alan for sending the photo and for writing the article on Greg for the Centennial Book.

And Folks, please keep Alan and Blyden in your prayers as they will be in surgery 1-4pm tomorrow for Alan's kidney transplant.

"This year of 2008 marks thirty years since the tragic and untimely death of 1969 Burbank High School graduate, Gregory Robinson, one of the finest photographers ever to graduate from BHS. Greg died in the jungles of Guyana, South America in November of 1978. He was one of five people murdered by the followers of "The Rev." Jim Jones on an airstrip near the Jonestown, Guyana settlement." - taken from an article written by Alan Landros in the 2008 BHS Centennial Book, page 103.

Read the original 1978 Times News article.

Alan Landros '70, Andrea Robinson '72 (Greg's sister), Larry Segall '70, (close friend of Greg who gave eulogy at his funeral) and Alex Gregory Robinson in front. Photo taken by Doris Au McDonald '73, at the Sept 2008 BHS Centennial.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wes Clark's Avacodo Memories

If you haven't already, be sure to check out Wes Clark's Avacado Memories which is an amazing website giving A LOT of Burbank history etc etc etc!! We met Wes and friends first at Bob's Friday night and then saw them again at the Centennial. Here's a couple of great photos taken by Cathy Nicholls Coyle along with Wes' email reply to her. PS Also check out Burbankia by Wes and Mike McDaniel!

Great photos! They get printed and go into my scrapbook – thanks!

I had a blast, so did Mike. Been putting new stuff into Burbankia ever since. Check out the BHS 100 report at

Nice to meet you… wish the Class of 1974 had as many attendees as did the classes of ’65, ’66, and ’67…


Bob Avery, Mike McDaniel and Wes Clark (all BHS class of '74)

Mike McDaniel, friend of Karen Tripp, Cathy Palmer, Wes Clark, Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Karen Tripp Turner ('67 JBHS who went with us Miller Elementary - hadn't seen her since 6th grade!), Carol Nicholls Lebrecht, Jeanne Barron Aikman and Joanne Yoffee Furer.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thanks Fred and Joan!

YES! I'm sure all who went totally agree with Cathy and John. Thank you SO MUCH Fred and Joan for hosting our class breakfast last Sunday (has it been a week already??) - it was WONDERFUL!

Hey CP:
Just wanted to let Fred and Joan Nobile Ortega know how much we appreciated them opening up their home for us for our Class of 67 Breakfast last Sunday. We all had a great time and ate well. They were gracious and excellent hosts! Just wanted to let them know their hospitality was much appreciated!!! We love you guys!

John & Cathy Nicholls Coyle

Thursday, September 18, 2008

BHS Centennial Video

3 Parts about 10 min each - hope you enjoy!

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Burbank Leader BHS Centennial Article

All the decades represented
From athletes to celebrities to the oldest, alumni paraded down Third Street to show their school pride.

By Jason Wells
September 16, 2008

Cathy Ferguson, class of 1966 and Olympic gold-medal winning swimmer rides one of the historic fire engines passing by the front of Burbank High School during its Centennial Parade Saturday. (Tammy Abbott/The Leader)

Like characters from the pages of a history book, alumni from nearly every decade of Burbank High School’s 100-year span paraded down Third Street on Saturday as part of the campus’ centennial celebration.

Prom queens of the 1940s resurrected their hand waves while perched atop classic convertibles, former cheerleaders brought back their synchronized pompom drills, and ex-sports stars — some of them in their 60s and 70s — ran down the street as they likely did when coming onto the field in their youth.

City Council members, state representatives, school board members, firefighters, celebrity alumni, marching bands, hot rods and even a horse also joined the line-up that paraded past the entrance to Burbank High School as Principal Bruce Osgood announced credentials over a loud speaker.

“Burbank High has always had great school spirit, as evidenced by all of you showing up for this,” he said.

Some alumni flew in from the East Coast to participate in the four-day centennial celebration. Others have never strayed far from the campus. But on Saturday, with groups of onlookers lining Third Street, distance and time converged on a reunion for the ages — all of them.

“I feel a little out of place,” said Josephine Bailey, class of 1925, as she sat in the back seat of a Model T Ford for the parade.

At 100 years old, she is reportedly the oldest-living Burbank High graduate, and reluctantly agreed to lead the parade of peers of different decades.

“That was the farthest thing from my mind, but it’s the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me,” Bailey said as the motorcade fired up. “It’s a lot of fun.”

She may have had the distinction of being the most senior participant Saturday, but others had their own credentials. Anson Williams, class of 1967, went on to play Warren “Potsie” Weber on “Happy Days” and then direct episodes of shows like “Beverly Hills 90210” and “Melrose Place.”
Kim Fields, best known as Tootie on “The Facts of Life” in the ’80s, rode atop a classic convertible Corvette with her son and husband. She graduated Burbank High in 1986.

“I will always have ties here,” she said.

Cathy Ferguson, who at the age of 16 won two gold medals in swimming at the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics, joined other athletic alumni on Third Street who the night before had been inducted into the Burbank High Athletic Hall of Fame.

One of the vintage fire trucks they were riding had mechanical difficulties and had to pull over, forcing some of them to walk the final block-long stretch of the parade.

“That’s OK. They’re athletes,” Osgood joked over the loud speaker.

Juxtaposed with alumni from decades ago, the student marching bands looked especially young. Even as John Muir Middle School Marching Band played past the high school’s entrance, the physical make up the street belied time’s change.

On the other side of the street, an Office Depot stood where the middle school’s campus once resided.

After the parade’s finish, groups of alumni walked the high school’s campus to see just how much things had changed before fans gathered for a home football game later in the afternoon.

For the game, former and current high schoolers alike could be heard making plans to fetch lawn chairs and ice chests. And just like that, all it took was a ball game on home turf to reveal how some things would likely never change.


JASON WELLS covers City Hall. He may be reached at (818) 637-3235 or by e-mail at

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Article by Joyce Rudolph

Here's another article in the Burbank Leader by reporter Joyce Rudolph who by the way is our Alumni Drill Team leader. Thanks Cathy Nicholls Coyle for the link. P.S. We were the ones who sang happy birthday to Adam Rocke when his brother John called him on his cell!

Photo provided by Linda Mustion (

Tailgate party is hub of excitement

Burbank High School students and grads mingle during pre-game barbecue.

By Joyce Rudolph
Burbank Leader
September 16, 2008

Excitement was mounting late Saturday morning for the varsity football game at Burbank High School’s Centennial Celebration.

Following the parade, students past and present were chowing down on hamburgers, and soft drinks or water during the tailgate party on the small athletic field. A group of graduates had made a circle and were singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of their lungs to someone over the cellphone.

Senior classmates, gathered around tables designated for different years under a huge tent, were exchanging stories about their years at school.

Cries of recognition were heard as people ran into former classmates, friends and neighbors.

The cheerleaders and Associated Student Body members had painted signs that were hung on the walls around the perimeter of the field warning visiting team Torrance High School “Not even 100 years can tame the beasts.” Another one read, “We bust ours to kick yours.”

Several generations of families filled the stands.

Junior varsity cheerleader and a sophomore Paige Laurent and the rest of her spirit group were getting hyped up for the rivalry after walking in the centennial parade.

“It was really cool,” she said. “We got to see cheerleaders who had gone to Burbank High before. I think it’s amazing to see all the people and all the athletes.”

Paige is a third-generation Bulldog, the school’s mascot.

Paige’s grandfather Richard Lyneis graduated in 1957, and her mother, Cynde Lyneis Laurent, is a member of the Class of 1979.

Freshman cheerleader Becca Wright is a fourth-generation graduate of the school. Her great-grandparents Glen and Maxine Haws graduated in 1932 and ’33, respectively. Her grandfather and grandmother Glen, ’53, and Beverly Haws ’54 are also grads. Her mother Linda Haws is a member of the class of ’86.

“I think it’s so great all these people would come back to see our football team and how the school has changed and how the sports have changed,” Becca said.

Becca’s mother, Cynde Lyneis, was parade chairwoman and said the event was memorable.

“Working on the centennial was such a fun experience and sharing it with my two daughters, Paige and Courtney, made it more special,” she said. “This whole event was been like goose bumps — magic.”

Alumni Drill Team organizer Linda “Durkee” Johnson, class of ’59, was parade chairwoman for the 70th reunion parade back in 1978.

“This year the parade was just as fun,” Johnson said. “There were no lapses in time from then to now. Give us a fight song and we’ll march.”

Boys’ soccer coach and grad of 1985, Frank Chavez was taking pictures for the high school.

“It’s great to participate in the event because I went to Burbank and I’m a coach here,” he said. “It’s nice to see people from the past who I never met. It’s nice to know people are still getting together as a family and keeping the tradition at Burbank High School.”

Kind Words from Mr. Campbell

Received this very nice email today from former teacher, Chuck Campbell

Dear Cathy,

Let me begin by saying how moved I was to review your memorial site regarding the BHS class of '67, you presented it with such tenderness and grace. I knew so many students from the classes of '66-'68, that the review of your site brought back to me so many fun and wonderful memories. I taught math, biology, and health at BHS from 1963 to 1966, when I left to assume a university position at California State University Long Beach.

Teaching at Burbank High was my first professional job and being able to teach with some of my own teachers from when I was a student at Jordan and JBHS, who became members of BHS faculty, and to teach many of my father's students, was for me, a wonderful experience. My father, James M. Campbell Jr. taught math at John Muir Junior High School for 38 years before retiring in 1967. When I retired from teaching at the University, I felt I was too young to 'go fishing', so I thought back to that period of my career where I had the most wonderful experience and felt the best about my teaching. That was at BHS in 1965-66. So, I decided, following almost thirty years of university teaching, to return to my high school teaching roots. I returned to BHS in 1993 with the intention of teaching for a year or so. I stayed 12 years teaching biology and chemistry. The long commute from my home at the beach and the changing circumstances of the climate of public school teaching put enormous pressure on my health, so I retired again. But it was the wonderful experience and, most importantly, the wonderful students that I got to know from Burbank High from your class and the class of '66, that had a most profound effect on my life.

So it was with a saddened heart that I learned of the passing of so many young people who had made such a profound impact on my life. As I prepare for the JBHS 50th Year Reunion next month and begin to learn of the passing of so many of my classmates, I can only hope that their memories will be treated with the same thoughtfulness and graciousness that I found in your memorial.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for such a precious job and my thoughts and best wishes go to all of your classmates of the class of 1967. God Bless you.

Best wishes always,

Chuck Campbell

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alan Buckley 1948-2008 (Class of 1966)

1966 BHS yearbook photo

It is with a heavy heart we post this notice of the death of fellow Burbank High School Alumni Alan Buckley (class of 1966) who was tragically killed with 24 other passengers aboard the Metrolink Train on Friday September 12, 2008.

We lift their families up in prayer along with the 130 folks who were injured

Alan Lloyd Buckley
September 22, 1948 - September 14, 2008

Alan Buckley, 59, Simi Valley

September 13, 2008
By Kate Linthicum
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 7:13 PM PDT

Burbank mechanic 'hated to drive and he loved trains,' his wife said. He was riding in the first car of Metrolink train 111 and died at the scene.

Alan Buckley lived his whole life with trains.The 59-year-old Simi Valley man grew up around them -- his father worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad -- and he grew older with them.

Every day for more than 20 years, Buckley woke up at 4 a.m. to take the Metrolink train to Burbank, where he worked as a machine mechanic for the city. And every afternoon he rode it back home, always sitting in the first car."He hated to drive and he loved trains," Patricia Buckley, his wife of 32 years, said today. "He said that when he died he wanted to have his ashes thrown off the back of a train."On Friday, "Buck," as he was known to friends, was sitting in the first car of Metrolink train 111 when it collided head-on with a Union Pacific freight train. He died on the scene, his wife said. The family found out about his death at 4 a.m. today, putting a sad end to a frantic, nearly 12-hour search.

Patricia Buckley spent Saturday trying to get over the loss of the man she called her "rock." Instead she just kept thinking about what kind of person he had been.He was an "everyday guy," she said, a strong, steady man who would do anything for his family. "He didn't want any frills and didn't like much attention," she said. "He didn't do anything heroic. He just loved his family."She said she first met the man who would become her husband when they were students at Burbank High School. She chased after him, she says, because "he was just so cute." They started dating at age 16 and were married at 19.The couple had two children. They have six grandchildren, whom Buck doted on. "He would just play with them on the floor and bake cookies with them," Patricia Buckley said.Although the whole family will miss him, Patricia says she is glad that Buck died doing something he loved."It's kind of ironic," she said. "He died on a train."

--- end ---

Alan Buckley, 59, Moorpark
The son of a Union Pacific railroad worker and a train buff since he was a kid, the 59-year-old mechanic had ridden Metrolink since its maiden run in 1992. "Metrolink was his thing - that was all he lived for," said his son Jeff Buckley, of Simi Valley. "He had a scrapbook. He knew each engineer by name. They used to play jokes on him. "He even took the train on weekends."

Known as "Buck" to his fellow passengers, Buckley commuted each day from his Moorpark home to a job for the city of Burbank, where he maintained trash trucks, street sweepers and police cars for 32 years. Each day, same train, same seat, said his son. To work he sat in the rear car , which he deemed "safer." Going home he preferred to sit in front, next to the engineer.

A former Little League coach in Burbank, Buckley would never miss any of his son's basketball games at Royal High School in Simi Valley. The loyal Dodgers fan who would have turned 60 this week was also helping his son restore a 1965 Mustang, and was just starting to dabble in computers and digital photography.

Buckley is survived Tish Buckley, his wife of 38 years, his son Jeff and a daughter, Diane Buckley of Phoenix, and five grandchildren.

--- end ---

September 17, 2008 UPDATE
Just received the following email from Pam... this is quite sad. May the Lord bring healing and comfort to the families in this time of loss.

Here we go again...Just got this from Chris Powers Houlihan '65...What an awful weekend (except for the Centennial) Jon Davis on Thursday, Alan Buckley on Friday in that train wreck and Pam Burket '64 over the weekend...
Savor each day...
Love, Pam

--- On Wed, 9/17/08, Chris Houlihan ---

From: Chris Houlihan
Subject: Sad news to report

Hi Pam,

What a great weekend! Our Powers family (Kathy '69, Ken '67, my mother grad of No. Hollywood High '43, and I '65) had such a marvelous time at the BHS Centennial Reunion and the many great activities. So glad we all converged on Burbank this weekend. Great to see so many old friends and to have the opportunity to make new ones.

While in Burbank, I received some very sad news about a BHS 65 classmate. Jonathan C. Davis passed away with a massive heart attack on Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008, at the age of 61. Jon Davis spent his senior year at BHS and went on to UCLA on a Regents' Scholarship to receive degrees in both Psych. and Math. He completed his MA and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto and post graduate work at McGill University in Montreal. He had a thriving practice as a clinical psychologist in Montreal for the past 35 years. He leaves five children -- Deric 31, Tamara 28, Alexander 24, Brittany 16 and Kelsey 14. He would say that his children were his greatest accomplishment. He also leaves his three brothers Edward, James (BHS 66) and Harold (BHS 70?).

His funeral will be held on Friday, Sept. 19 at 10 AM in Montreal's Centre funeraire Cote-des-Neiges, Quebec, Canada.

Attached is a recent photo of Jon from the Montréal Gazette Sept. 17 Obituaries.

Chris Powers Houlihan BHS 65
I was married to Jon from 1968 until 1974.

--- end ---

Here is Jon's yearbook photo

Monday, September 15, 2008

Centennial Photos!

Jeanne Barron Aikman, Cathy Palmer, Anson Heimlick (Potsy from Happy Days) Williams, Alan Singer and Shari Deuel Nicholls

Arrived back home Sunday around midnight after spending four FANTASTIC days with friends celebrating Burbank High School's 100th birthday.


Our class breakfast this morning at Fred & Joan Ortega's was soooo fun!

It's late but had to share some photos:

From Linda Mazur '66 photos (added October 20, 2008)

From Wes Clark (added 9/22/08)

From Carol Lebrecht (added 9/20/08)

From Cathy Palmer

Please email me links to your photos.

And be sure to watch the Centennial video (added 9/18/08).

Linda Mustion has started a new blog called Linda's Burbank High School Blog, so check it out as well - it has lots of Centennial pics!

The Nicholls' twins mother and her cousins

Shari Deuel Nicholls, Jeanne Barron Aikman, Marilyn Miller, Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Carol Nicholls Lebrecht & Cathy Palmer

Class Breakfast at Joan (Nobile) and Fred Ortega's home followed by those who went to Miller Elementary and a couple of sweet doggies who were in the parade - thanks Chris Peterson and Linda Mustion for the pics!

Kathleen Dupree, Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Cathy Palmer, Don (Ripley) Ray, Mary Brotsis Andersen, Carol Nicholls Lebrecht and Jeanne Barron Aikman - Mary, Jeanne and I were in Kindergarten together a hundrend years ago!

Thanks Cathy Nicholls Coyle for this photo of the Alumni Drill Team practice!

September 19, 2008 UPDATE
Found this on youtube tonight:


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday Centennail Events

Another fun-filled day began with marching with the alumni drill team in the Centennial parade and football halftime followed by a wonderful afternoon visiting with alumni from ALL years! Last night, classmates from the 60's met out on the JB Brewry patio and it was so FUN, that many of us want to meet again NEXT YEAR, so stay tuned for upcoming details!! Today is the official 100th day anniversary of BHS and this morning we are heading off to Fred and Joan Nobile Ortega's for our class '67 breakfast. Then later is the picnic/carshow and booths by decades display back on the Burbank High field followed by sad good-byes until next time. Hope to you there!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday at Centennial

Meeting friends at Bob's Toluca Lake

Another fun day of seeing friends at the BHS Centennial!

After watching the Athletic Hall of Fame Awards, we went to Bob's and had fun seeing and meeting old and new friends while eating Big Boy hamburgers, fries with a side of blue.

Ah memory lane... I also was a carhop MANY years ago.

Now this morning, we are off to the Parade to march with the Alumni Drill team.

And BJ Brewry tonight... Hope to see you there!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Class '67 Breakfast is Sunday - Please RSVP

So far, this is whose going to our class breakfast Sunday morning, September 14, 2008, 8am:

Jeanne Barron Aikman
Kent Barcus
Kathleen Bryan
Nancy Krogh Brez
Dona Foy Bruckner
Bevery Bullock
Cathy Nicholls Coyle
Frank Davenport
Paula Dean
Gene Hernandez
Neal Hershenson
Dave and Dawn Moselle Hourigan
Carol Nicholls Lebrecht
Deanna Lloyd
Denny Lombard
Marilyn Miller
Linda Mustion
Shari Deuel Nicholls
Joan Nobile Ortega
Cathy Palmer
Jay (Chris) Peterson
Ken Peterson
Linda Peterson Everett
Marilyn Williams Peterson
Don Ray
John Rocke
Alan Singer
Jeanne Sproul
Tim Thomas
Diane McCall Ward
Madelaine Zelany Whiteman
Ron Wysocky



SEPTEMBER 14, 2008
Class Breakfast at Fred & Joan Ortega's home
Time: 8am
Donation: $5
Location: 1313 N. Brighton St. Burbank , 91506 (between Victory and Burbank Blvd
PLEASE RSVP to Joan at or tel 818-842-6221 / or Cathy Palmer at

It was a GREAT Day at BHS!

Ken Powers, Pat Fligg, Tim Thomas - 1967 CIF Champs

Arrived yesterday and am staying with John & Cathy Nicholls Coyle along with Cathy's twin Carol.

This morning we went to the alumni drill team practice and got our pompoms. After meeting up with Jeanne Barron Aikman and Marilyn Miller, we all went to BHS to buy the Centennial book and take a tour of the totally new school.

There we ran into Ken Powers, Pat Fligg and Tim Thomas who will be honored tomorrow night at the Athletic Hall of Fame with John Ferguson. Then after a quick bite to eat, we went to the wonderful musical presentation at the school.

Btw, a few of us signed up for the Senior Bulldogs News, a monthly newsletter produced and mailed out by Herb Vincent. To receive one, just drop Herb a line:
Herb Vincent
704 E. Grinnell Dr.
Burbank, CA 91501

What a great day we had chatting with old and new friends and we are looking forward to tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Celebration About to Begin!

Students return from cleaning up the Burbank High "B" on the hill before the Centennial celebration.

Celebration is set to start
By Joyce Rudolph
September 10, 2008

Burbank High School’s four-day Centennial Celebration kicks off on Thursday after 2 1/2 years of planning.

History teacher David Thomson served as the 100th Centennial Celebration chairman and worked to bring together different generations of graduates.

“About 150 current students have been involved in various ways, not including students performing at the event and others who are doing things throughout the event,” Thomson said.

Students are decorating the campus and putting together display cases with different themes.

There will be a display of drawings by students that have appeared in the yearbook and on its cover. The main showcase has a history of Burbank High School.

Students also did research and scanned in photographs for the souvenir book, “Burbank High School The Blue and White Wave High.”

Also working on the project were 40 members of the Centennial Committee and 100 more working on subcommittees, Thomson said.

Another highlight of the event will be the Hall of Fame on Friday evening, said Fred Cook, athletic director.

“It’s to bring back and honor athletes who were outstanding athletes at Burbank High and have gone and done things above and beyond high school,” Cook said.

The celebration has gone beyond organizers’ expectations, Burbank High School Principal Bruce Osgood said.

“We thought it would be a great chance for alums to come back and see their old school and what it has become, and it is a connection of our present students to the wonderful 100 years of history,” Osgood said.

The feeling at school this week is festive, he added.

The staff, teachers, parents and community members have been very supportive, as well as the city of Burbank and school district.

“Everybody is on board with it,” he said.

“It’s been a little stressful but great. I hope everyone comes out. It’s really a once-in-a-lifetime event. It’s a fitting tribute to what has been a fantastic high school for the last 100 years.”

Shakey's Pizza for the Kids on Saturday 6pm

Here's an email I received email today...

There is an additional event on Saturday nite for those of you who are planning to see/bring your adult children and/or grandchildren to the Reunion.

Allene SandiTillotson Clum has arranged a get together Saturday nite at Shakey's (1300 San Fernando Rd.) starting at 6 pm for those who have their children and/or grandchildren with them.

Contact Sandi/Allene so she'll know approximately how many to expect: (cell) 775 293-0806.

1300 N. San Fernando Rd
Burbank, CA 91504
818 848-5527

Monday, September 8, 2008

Centennial Book "Turned Out Great"!

Looking forward to buying one myself!

Hi CP:

We went to the Sr. Bulldog luncheon today and were able to purchase the new Centennial Anniversary Book! It turned out great and well worth the $40.00!

Cathy, Linda & Carol

BHS Confession, or Admission with Embellishment

Here is a creative little piece from a fellow grad - thanks Kent!

Hi Cathy. Use another blog piece? Hope to see a few folks this weekend. Kent

BHS Confession, or Admission with Embellishment

A number of BHS alums wrote "confessions" about days at Burbank High but that expression brings an image of being hunkered down in a sort of a booth trying to come to honest terms about your place as a sinner in need of reconciliation with the Father. Not being brought up eihter Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox my picture is probably more influenced by television and cinematic fiction than fact. Anyway the following is offered as a sort of admission if you will but not an eye-witness account. Well, at least not exactly an eye-witness account given that the writer wasn't there and perhaps no one else will bother telling the story whether or not it actually happened.

So let's say it's the 1965-66 school year at a place called Burbank High somewhere in California and a group of juniors with intelligence scores supposedly reaching into the triple digits are taking a largely literature-based English course from an instructor we will name as Mrs. Saly Harding. Spellings for purposes of this story are optional but this particular instructor does enjoy teaching especially students she believes are capable. She is not above scolding them for the act of plagiarism and that is fair. And so the class journeys on for two semesters through the likes of Billy Budd, JB, The Scarlet letter, The Great Gatsby, and other works including some poetry.

It's a tough course meant to provoke thought and to improve study habits especially given that the teacher completed her Bachelor's degree in a mere three years rather than the traditional four. But her grading standards are high and at the end of the year some students find themselves graded lower than the typical "A" to which they'd been accustomed.

And so, in a spirit of good will and possible naivete, the very bright Mrs. (or was it Ms?) Harding explains to her students that the course was indeed very challenging and in case their admission to the institute of higher learning of their choice should be jeopardized by a relatively low score in junior English here on the chalkboard is her home address in order for the college or university admissions powers that be to get back to her to verify that it was a truly difficult course graded quite strictly because Mrs. Harding will not return to teach at Burbank High the following year.

Wow. What a swell teacher. And so the students go forward with their lives a little less wounded thanks to the knowledge that in the future Mrs. Harding will help them in spite of a grade lower than an "A." Or make that most of the students.

Not to say that Burbank High students have always shown the utmost respect and regard for the automobiles and homes of their instructors. Some unfortunate and briefly-delinquent scholars may have surrendered themselves to the temptation to hurl rolls of toilet paper over the roof of a given coach or other faculty member, but certainly none of them had been the students of Mrs. Harding. Of course.

Which might make us wonder why an automobile carrying three, maybe four, fine young people from Burbank High should be cruising through neighborhoods in the community of La Crescenta in search of a given address on Pontiac Avenue (or was it Potomac?)one fine late-spring Sunday morning which just happens to be shortly after the close of the school year. That is, if it actually happened. And did I think to say that in the trunk of the automobile is a cross of noticeable size even though Easter Sunrise Service took place more than a few weeks before. Oh, and a can of flammable liquid of some kind just in case they need to do an emergency cook-out trekking back through the Verdugo Hills on their return to Burbank. "Be Prepared" and all that.

Courageously venturing onward our unnamed automobile trio/quartet (in no particular order let them be known here as Roos, Reg, Rolf, and maybe Rad) address words of encouragement to one another on the way to destiny:

"You dimwit! I thought you said you looked her address up ahead of time."

"Just shut up and watch the street numbers. We should have been there already. Just let me drive, okay?"

"So why don't these streets go all the way through the way they do in Burbank?"

"You're not in Burbank, Dorothy!"

"I gotta bad feeling about this."

"Maybe that's it. No, another dead end. If we ever find her place we'll probably need another hour to find our way the heck outta here."

"Turn there. Is that the number? Okay, just drive on and let's park around the corner."

"So you have a lighter or matches?"

"No, I just figured we'd ring her doorbell early in the morning and ask for some, and she'll say, 'Oh, what a nice surprise and what a lovely cross! Did you come by to discuss the traditional concept of God and the existence of evil in the world?'"

"Hold it. A cop just drove by."


"I saw a black and white drive by a block or two behind us?"

"LAPD or County Sherrif?"

"I don't know. What's the difference?"

"County don't take prisoners!"

"Oh, (delete)!"

"Just keep an eye out and let's get out of here."

"Hey, put the cross on the ground, THEN pour the gasoline. Not in my trunk. Can't you figure anything out?"

"Just keep the motor running and DON'T leave too fast!"

Well, legend has it that news accounts of "that disturbing incident in La Crescenta" may have had something to do with a story similar to what you've just read. Of course today it would be classified easily as "hate crime" (make that Thought Crime) and someone would have been in Big Trouble. Only I wasn't really there. Honest.

Copyright ©2008 Kent J. Barcus all rights reserved. Permission granted to Cathy J. Palmer for BHS'67 Blogsite.

Grand View Memorial will be open Sept 14, 2008

Last night Marilyn Miller told me Grand View Memorial Park in Glendale where some of her family are buried will be opened this Sunday, September 14 from 12 noon - 4 pm. As posted before, Linda Mustion has been an avid volunteer to help clean up and locate loved ones. Please read more here.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Burbank High School Newsletter

Got the BHS Newsletter today...

BHS Centennial Celebration is here and the Centennail book is going fast!

Book arrives on Monday
We received a few advance copies from the publisher (see above) and the book is truly beautiful. The Limited Edition Centennial Book may now be purchased online for pick-up at BHS or to be shipped to you after September 9, 2008. Click here to read more or to purchase the book, and get your copy before they are gone. Makes a Great Holiday Gift - shop now! Centennial souvenirs, clothing, and the book will be available at all Centennial events! Come back and celebrate with us this week at Burbank High!

Updated Schedule of Events
Many new events and exciting activities added! Click here

Parking Update
Parking will be available all four days in the main parking garage at the corner of Third and Delaware. NOTE: Please arrive early on Saturday as the parking garage will be closed from 9:30 am - 11:00 am because of street closures for the parade. Limited parking is available at surrounding shopping centers and on streets above Glenoaks.

Golf Tournament Update
The golf tournament now has enough entrants for a shotgun start at 8:30 am. Please arrive at 7:15 am to register and use the driving range. There are still openings for more entrants. Golf Tournament Entry Form - Click here for information and to download the form. You may now pay the entry fee online with a credit card.

We need your support
Help us complete Centennial projects and establish a scholarship fund for current and future BHS students by making a tax deductible donation to the BHS Centennial Foundation. Click here to donate.

Bring a lawn, camping, or beach chair for the parade and use it for tailgate and football game.

Come back and celebrate - See you September 11-14!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Less Than a Week Away!

The BHS Centennial celebration begins next Thursday, September 11th, and as a member of the alumni drill team which will march in the parade, I thought I'd post photos of a few other drill teams...