He sounds great and is on the mend and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Friend and classmate, Blyden Loutensock, donated a kidney and you can read about their amazing story in the Centennial Book and in this news article.

UPDATE EMAIL from Cathy Nicholls Coyle (9/25/08 2pm):
Hi Guys:
I don't know if you have heard anything but I called Betty Drake about the status of Alan's and Blyden's surgery yesterday. Alan had emailed us her phone number to call and get updates.
Betty Drake said that the surgery yesterday went well. They are both doing fine. Blyden went into surgery at 2 pm and Alan was in from 3 pm to 7 pm. She said that they were both doing good and that they hadn't even sewed Alan up yet and the kidney was producing urine. She said that Blyden was to stay in the hospital for a couple of days but was to stay in town for a couple of weeks.
Alan was in ICU last night and they may transfer him to a regular room tonight. Alan should be in the hospital for at least 10 days. The doctor told him that he would not hurry him out because he knows he lives alone. She said that when Alan goes home that one of his neighbors would be staying with him at night and he would be ok during the day. He has a chair there that makes it easy for him to get in and out of since one of his restrictions is that he is not suppose to bend.
So I would say that all our prayers were working!!!! Let's now pray for a speedy recovery!!!
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