Photo provided by Linda Mustion (

Tailgate party is hub of excitement
Burbank High School students and grads mingle during pre-game barbecue.
By Joyce Rudolph
Burbank Leader
September 16, 2008
Excitement was mounting late Saturday morning for the varsity football game at Burbank High School’s Centennial Celebration.
Following the parade, students past and present were chowing down on hamburgers, and soft drinks or water during the tailgate party on the small athletic field. A group of graduates had made a circle and were singing “Happy Birthday” at the top of their lungs to someone over the cellphone.
Senior classmates, gathered around tables designated for different years under a huge tent, were exchanging stories about their years at school.
Cries of recognition were heard as people ran into former classmates, friends and neighbors.
The cheerleaders and Associated Student Body members had painted signs that were hung on the walls around the perimeter of the field warning visiting team Torrance High School “Not even 100 years can tame the beasts.” Another one read, “We bust ours to kick yours.”
Several generations of families filled the stands.
Junior varsity cheerleader and a sophomore Paige Laurent and the rest of her spirit group were getting hyped up for the rivalry after walking in the centennial parade.
“It was really cool,” she said. “We got to see cheerleaders who had gone to Burbank High before. I think it’s amazing to see all the people and all the athletes.”
Paige is a third-generation Bulldog, the school’s mascot.
Paige’s grandfather Richard Lyneis graduated in 1957, and her mother, Cynde Lyneis Laurent, is a member of the Class of 1979.
Freshman cheerleader Becca Wright is a fourth-generation graduate of the school. Her great-grandparents Glen and Maxine Haws graduated in 1932 and ’33, respectively. Her grandfather and grandmother Glen, ’53, and Beverly Haws ’54 are also grads. Her mother Linda Haws is a member of the class of ’86.
“I think it’s so great all these people would come back to see our football team and how the school has changed and how the sports have changed,” Becca said.
Becca’s mother, Cynde Lyneis, was parade chairwoman and said the event was memorable.
“Working on the centennial was such a fun experience and sharing it with my two daughters, Paige and Courtney, made it more special,” she said. “This whole event was been like goose bumps — magic.”
Alumni Drill Team organizer Linda “Durkee” Johnson, class of ’59, was parade chairwoman for the 70th reunion parade back in 1978.
“This year the parade was just as fun,” Johnson said. “There were no lapses in time from then to now. Give us a fight song and we’ll march.”
Boys’ soccer coach and grad of 1985, Frank Chavez was taking pictures for the high school.
“It’s great to participate in the event because I went to Burbank and I’m a coach here,” he said. “It’s nice to see people from the past who I never met. It’s nice to know people are still getting together as a family and keeping the tradition at Burbank High School.”
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