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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Class Newsletter photos...

The class newsletter will be emailed soon, so below are some misc photos I hope to include.

Roland Young, Lee Freeman and Mary Brotsis (Miller 5th grade 1960)

Larry MacMonagle (Miller Kindergarden 1955)

Cathy Palmer (Miller 1st grade 1956)

Jerry W Clark (Miller 1st grade 1956)

Jeanne Barron Aikman (Miller 3rd grade 1958)

Jerry W Clark (Miller 6th grade 1961)

Diana Ziegler Larsen, Mary Ogle, Kathleen Dupree & Judy Rayl Smith (Miller 6th grade 1961)

Larry MacMonagle

Jackie Hayes Steen '68

Debbie Farmer MacMonalge '69 (10th grade photo)

Teri Hill Clark '68

20 yr reunion picnic: Carol Nicholls Lebrecht, Cathy Palmer & Cathy Nicholls Coyle

Btw, if you want to get our class newsletter, pls drop me an email at


  1. Cathy, you're a crack up - as always.
    Happy Holidays!
    Duane Thaxton

  2. Thanks Duane :)
    May you and yours have a very wonderful Holiday as well!!
