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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Email From Jeanne Barron Aikman

Thanks so much for your sweet email, Jeanne, and I do remember when you were on the Popeye show with Tom Hatten - would love to find that clip for sure!

Hi Cathy
My how time flys when having fun!!
I peeked into your blog for just a second and wound up spending nearly an hour there. WOW All the added links you've posted took me into some interesting stories and definitely down memory lane.

I checked in on Shari. What an inspiration she is!!

I checked out the 68 reunion Sunday night after the centennial. Looked like a lot of fun. Sorry to see their memorial site so full already.

I'm so proud of you for setting the standard and paving the way for us to stay in touch and connected. The community lives on much because of you.

Your link to Scott Bruckner's art was a reminder of a lengthy conversation I had with him at TL Bob's. We talked shop a bit and I had every intention of looking up his website as soon as I got home. Didn't happen though as I jumped right back into work and have been inundated since. So, thanks for the reminder. His sculptures are awesome.

I'm going to try to connect up with Mary Ogle this Monday or Tuesday in Santa Cruz. I'm hoping to see her dad too. It's been so many years. The memory of her mom that keeps surfacing for me is of her in the kitchen with her apron on. She was always in the kitchen ;0) My heart feels so heavy today for them all. That may be why I spent so much time on the blog.

What a treat to hear from Greg. I really enjoyed all the fun and laughter with him at our 40th reunion at Deanna's party. I'm glad Alan Singer nudged him into the blog-fold.

Jerry W Clark received my birthday call tonight. A couple days off but oh well, I'll help prolong the pain of turning 60. Hey, are you next?? HA! He and Terri are in Tahoe and we talked a bit until we lost the connection. Whenever I think of him, I always remember him in 1st grade on the old Miller playground kicking his cowboy boot off with the ball. And it always went so high up. Man, he knew how to impress the girls at such an early age didn't he?

Well then, I indulged myself in the nostalgic tv clips. Ahhh, Sheriff John. I remember how important it was to be ready for the Lunch Brigade with my pbj's. I couldn't believe I instantly remembered the Laugh and Be Happy song and my favorite, Put Another Candle On My Birthday Cake. What a precious world we lived in.

With Engineer Bill, which I also watched religiously as a child, I sat here wondering what had me so captured. Then, low and behold, he was off to the refrigerator and I could hardly wait to see the infamous Red Light/ Green Light game. got milk?

My most fave for tonight though was The Little Rascals. I just loved those kids the most. I could still watch it for hours. That really brought it all home. Hmm I wonder if I could ever find the Skipper Tom, Popeye show that I was on??

Now, because my eyes are tired and I want to make sure there's something to come back to (I know, no need to worry with you at the helm) I'm saving Paul, Jerry and Soupy Sales for later.

oh raa oh raa oh raa

Who knows, maybe White Fang will meet up with Ruth Buzzy on Laugh In or somethin'.

Thanks Cathy for keeping me off the streets tonight with your interactive blog. I'm sure there are others just as thankful.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend sunshine.
Lots of love
Jeanne Barron Aikman

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