Tell Us Your Story

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our BHS Bulldog Biker

Here are a few pics of Shari in Utah at the Huntsman Senior World Games - thanks Shari!

I'm next

Cathy, I can't get my pics to you yet but if you go to there are some pics that a fellow member took at the start of the hill climb. Just click on Huntsman World Games on the right side. Oh yeah! You know how to work the computer, unlike me! I haven't seen them since I use the library's comp. Thanks for all the announcements on last weeks events.

I'm tryng to get back to whatever normal is. Sat I'm taking Amtrak and going to visit an old friend. should be lots of fun.

Hope all is well with you up in the north country!

On the way to a Gold!
The gang of four

"Did it! Over all winner in Division III winner 55-59. 4 Gold in all 4 events: Hill Climb set new record. TimeTrial on Weds Crit(erium) lapped my dividion n finished w upper w upper div. Fri in Road Race I was the first winner to finish 37k. Next yr I move up to Div II and a new age category. I can't believe I acturally did it."


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