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Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank You from the Ogle Family

Alice Nichols Ogle - August 6, 1925 to October 6, 2008

On behalf of Dad and the rest of the family, I want to express our appreciation for all the messages, cards, flowers and phone calls expressing condolences for our loss. It truly eases the grief for Dad to know that so many people loved and cared about Mom, his wife of 60 years - the service on Sat. was truly a celebration of her life. All 6 of us were there with Dad (Vern driving from Texas with his family), along with 5 of the 10 grandchildren (my Taryn coming from NYC & Trevin from Oregon ) while the 4 little great-grandchildren were home with their mothers in Colo. & Conn. It was so comforting to Dad to be joined by so many caring friends especially two of Mom’s nieces and several long-time friends who all drove long distances to be at the memorial. As my cousin Sylvia Nichols-Nelson emailed to us later it was a “beautiful service. It went easy on us; a difficult time turned into a very meaningful healing experience for all of us. We learned a little more about our family and what keeps us strong ........ tenacity and good humor! Of course, lots of Love!”

At the service when I stood up to welcome and thank everyone for coming, I stumbled over my words, so now I’ll take the opportunity to say a little more about my mother who I know is watching & supervising from above. Mom would have been happy seeing her family all together for the weekend, trying to have fun, playing cards with Dad and laughing as we remembered good times. She would have been proud of us for being organized and taking care of all the details and logistics (and making sure Daddy was wearing a clean shirt). She taught us well! My Mother was an amazing woman; a wonderful wife & mother, loving sister, favorite niece, beloved aunt, and faithful friend. She was a proper lady with high standards and a clear view of right and wrong. She expected everything to be done correctly and for us to always do our best, be well-mannered, get a good education, and contribute to the community as she always did. While she was an extremely active volunteer -- at our schools in Burbank, the Burbank First Methodist Church, National Charity League, La Providencia Guild for LA Children’s Hospital, the Republican Party, PEO, and later the Los Osos Library and San Luis Obispo’s French Hospital -- she always took care of her family first (fixing Dad a pitcher of ice tea every day for 60+ years and having dinner on the table every night at 5:30pm.) Mom launched my volunteer career in high school when we were in National Charity League together and you won’t be surprised that she got me my first job at our local congressman's office. I tried hard to follow her example, yet -- who could possibly keep up with her energy and organizational skills and political involvement and charity work while raising 6 kids? Now as we watch Mom’s grandchildren graduate from college, launch their careers, marry and start families, we hope she’s proud of her legacy for they all seem to have inherited her intelligence, ambitions, talents and organizational skills. One of her granddaughters, my niece Anika, was the next to speak at the service. She told of going to college at Cal Poly SLO in order to be near her grandparents and how much she learned from my mother. We were also honored to have several others including family, friends & PEO sisters make kind comments about Mom, the example she set, her organizational skills, her leadership, and her friendship. She touched so many lives and I’m so proud to be her daughter. We will miss you, Mom! and we promise to take good care of Daddy!

Attached is a picture of Mom taken on March 20, 2008 (Mom & Dad’s 60th Anniversary) when she was still doing okay. After her fall and concussion in June she declined very quickly. We’re all so grateful that on July 19th just a week before Mom & Dad moved to Santa Cruz we were able to have an Ogle family reunion missing only 1 grandson and that she seemed to know who we all were and have a good time (see photo*). Mom’s last days seemed to be happy ones as she was lost in her memories of a wonderful life.

For my part, being reminded of the importance of family I’m glad that this summer I decided to move to Denver to be near my grandchildren and become an active part of their lives. Thank you again to everyone for your kind support. Special thanks to Aunt Mary & Aunt Ellen for their memories of Mom as a young girl.

Much Love to All, Mary

P.S. Check out my son Trevin Pieh ’s new web page at

Mary Ogle
5250 Cherry Creek South Dr. #6-I (moving to Apt. #4E in mid-Nov.)
Denver, CO 80246
720-255-2157; cell 808-960-3511

*Ogle Family Photo:

Front Row: Alice & Bob Ogle
Left to Right: Mike Bergener holding Ash Bergener, Tristen Pieh -Bergener, Tyler Ogle , Erin Ogle , Trevin Pieh , Jessie Ogle-Konaktchiev with Ilina Konaktchiev in front, Dashiell Dunkell, Mary Ogle (me), Anika Dunkell , Vern Ogle , Nancy Ogle (Dunkell), Bob Ogle , Lynda Ogle, Janet Ogle (Kami), Andre Dunkell, Bonnie Ogle, Mark Kami, Taryn Pieh , John Ogle . (missing Ethan Ogle )

--- end ---

Janet Ogle email posted on the Class of '66 blog.

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