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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Attention BHS Class of '64!

This morning, received this email from Pam Kirkwood ('64):

Where have all the flowers gone? Loop

Greetings Loopers...
The BHS Class of '64 Reunion Committee has once again been "re-activated" and is busy planning and organizing our 45th Reunion, to be held on Saturday, October 10th 2009. Actually, out of 622 graduates in our class, we have found quite a few. We have approximately 175 still missing (and after our first mailing, we may get some returned whose addresses are no longer valid, so that number could increase) Ironically at this moment, our class of 1964 knows of 64 classmates who have passed on. We truly NEED your help. Even if you are not part of BHS '64, please take a minute and review the following Missing List...

If you have any information on any of these people, even if it is an address or phone or email for a sibling, please forward that information to either Tammy Stepanow Klinger at or me, Pam Zipfel Kirkwood at

There are only 7 of us on the committee, so if we all put our collective 500 plus heads together, we should be able to locate lots more classmates... Thanks so much...

Your BHS '64 Reunion Committee
Marcia Ayers Byers
Tammy Stepanow Klinger
Karen Shield Smestad
Pete Graziano
Mickey DePalo
Mary Lou Johnson Anderson
Pam Zipfel Kirkwood

Georgianna Alanis; Elaine Anderson Byrd; Patricia Ardolino; Dina Arias; Susan Atkerson; Roger Ball; Lee Barnett; Rhett Barron; Carole Bartosovsky; Eileen Bell; Vicky Bencheck; Kathy Berry; Molly Beyea Regan; Robert Bliss; Cindy Blount; Pat Bobier; Charlotte Boyes; Susan Bradley; Bruce Brewer; Mardella Brown; Toni Bryan; Kathleen Burg; George Carrillo; Virginia Casey Ohara; Arlene Cavallo Arnold; Jean Chesky Granpre; Nancy Chess Nichols; Roger Clark; Stephen Cordell; Bob Crawford; Lars Dahl; Fred Deeg; Ed Dermedy; James Desaulniers; Robert Diamond; Bob Diltz; Sheila Dolinko; Larry Donaldson; Mike Dones; Sherry Dryburgh; Deborah Duggan; Pat Farrell Powell; Eileen Faussett; Edward "Regan" Ferber; Marcel Frenette; George Garcia; Eleanor Gerald; Holly Glover; Robert Goldman; Bruce Gorlick; Francine Greco; Sharon Hanes Zander; Scott Hansen; Christine Harper; Pat Harvey; Mike Healy; Dave Heerman; Bill Hendricks; Rebecca Hensley; Kenna Hicks; Ron Hoorn; Diane Huntoon Tepina; Louis Ivie; Cathie Johnson Diaz; Mitchell Johnson; James Jones; Leslie Jones; Marlane Karafa; George Kasarda; Joe Keller; Catherine Kennedy; Dona Kennedy Haber; Jacqueline Kistler; Sandy Kley; Ken Kosnick; Bernard Kreitlow; Diann Kroum; Elaine Kruger; Sally Lane; Larry Larson; Doug Livesay; Richard Macklin; Victoria Makarowski; Suzanne Mann Labonge; Marita Massey; Kas Masuda; Anna Maxfield; Larry McIntire; Candie McKenzie Mitchell; Allan McMurray; Judy Meskew Laivo; Diane Michel; Lester Mischke; Eugene Molino; Sandra Moody; Larry Moore; Thomas Morrocco; Linda Moss; Dennis Nelson; Sue Nicola; Melanie Ober; Lawrence Orosco; Tom O’Rourke; Gary Ortez; Angela Orys; Steve Owens; Sandy Pace; Mike Palecki; Greg Parker; Larry Parks; Ron Parrett; Bob Pasch; Eve Patterson; Pat Patterson; Rick Peach; Roger Phillips; Warren Plank; Loretta Poggi; Nancy Pociasek; Cindy Powley; Sue Powley; Narita Pyorala; Jill Ransome; Cathy Reber Bell; Arthur Richardson; Phil Rivadeneyra; John Ruegge; Jim Rush; Rick Rutan; Jon Salveson; Patti Samson; Valerie Sanderson; Dennis Sardella; Doug Saxon; Michael Sayre; Violet Scalise; Margaret Schafer; Dan Scott; Valerie Scott; Randy Scoville; Judy Serebrenik; Greg Siefert; Don Sims; Nancy Skiba; Ruta Skirius; Sandra Smith Toth; David Snapp; Elaine Stahl; Verna Stiles; Kathy Sweeney; Thorne "Todd" Still; Harold "Bucky" Stilson; Karen Tertocha Phelps; Bob Thompson; Valerie Totten; George Van Hoye; Larry Vaughan; Andrea Venters; Bob Vignale; Donna Walker; Mark Waller; Jean Watkins; Margie Weatherwax; Terry Welshans; Mark West; Richard West; Ross Whipple; Janiece Williams; John "Mike" Williams; James Wilson; Karen Wittschen; Betty Wright; Roberta Ziegler Morrison

And here is The Kingston Trio singing "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" and "In the Early Morning Rain" on the Andy Williams Show (1966) for you to enjoy! cp


Peter, Paul and Mary also recorded "Where have all the flowers gone?" too. Here you can watch them sing "If I had a hammer"


And here's more music from the 60's: The Chad Mitchell Trio!

Roger McGuinn played banjo and guitar for the Chad Mitchell Trio in the early 1960s, before he co-founded the Byrds. This is a three song performance from the Bell Telephone Hour.

Now watch Bob Dylan sing "Blowin' in the wind" (1963)


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