Tell Us Your Story

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christine Winters Cline

Great to hear from you Chris and thanks so much for the update!

Hello Cathy and all!

Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into your fabulous BHS blog. I check in regularly to see what’s going on with everyone. Never imagined way back when…… that there’d be something like the internet to change everything and make all these contacts possible. I’d also like to thank Linda Mustion for graciously keeping us informed about those we’ve lost along the way, and a special thanks to Linda for her work with the Grandview Cemetery.

As far as what has been going on in my life for the past four decades? I can sum it up with a saying I found in the newspaper years ago: “I’ve seen it all, and if I haven’t, I won’t be surprised when I do.” But it’s been a great life, wouldn’t change a thing, and I’m so glad I’m still kickin’. Lived in Colorado on a couple of different occasions, and Arkansas, and Missouri. Tim and I returned to Ventura county in 2000 and hope to just stay put if we can. Both my daughters, Nicole and Jenny, and their families live in this area. We have five grandsons, and a new granddaughter on the way (Nicole is due to deliver in March).

You had asked for holiday pics, so thought I’d send a couple of them your way. I’ve only had a digital camera for about a year now, and don’t know how I ever lived without it:

The first pic is our long-awaited “reunion” of the wonderful family I’ve been blessed with. Finally got just about everybody at our house at the same time this past Thanksgiving. Whew! We used the timer on the digital, all crammed in together, and hoped for the best. It turned out pretty good, considering the guesswork involved.

Top row: Nicole, Tim, me, James (Nic’s hubby), Chase, Jenny, Roland (Jen’s hubby).
Front row: Jamie and girlfriend Cyndy, Brandon, and Tristan. Another grandson, Chris, is in the Navy.

The second pic is of Tim and me at a Christmas party at the BJs in Oxnard last month.

I always look forward to your monthly newsletter and hearing from all the BHS alumni and what’s going on in their lives. Truly amazing we have the means to keep in touch after all these years. Please keep up the good work! It’s greatly appreciated!

Best wishes,

Christine Winters Cline, ‘67

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