Tell Us Your Story

Friday, February 27, 2009

Looking at the Loop

Received The Loop today and below are a few items from it - thanks Pam & Jon Kirkwood '64!

And if you would like to receive The Loop email, please contact Pam at


In our "F.Y.I. Department"...

Recently I was at the Tally Rand Restaurant in Loopland and noticed they were selling "Burbankopoly" (a game that is designed to look just like "Monopoly", but the streets and properties and landmarks are those of Burbank...They can be purchased for $29.95 each. (Personally, I think that "Looplandopoly" would have been more appropriate!)


Larry Maxam (1948-1968)

Here is a Super announcement from our very own Mickey DePalo '64...

Hi Pam and Jon,
This past Tuesday evening, the Burbank City Council voted unanimously to re-name Pacific Park in honor and memory of United States Marine Corporal Larry L. Maxam, who was awarded the Medal of Honor, posthumously. Corporal Maxam died February 2, 1968, at Cam Lo district, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, just after his 20th birthday. The citation sighting the circumstances surrounding Corporal Maxam's being awarded the Medal of Honor can be accessed on the internet. It is very emotional to say the least. As of now, plans are being formalized for the memorial area to be constructed at Pacific Park. Our Veterans Commemorative Committee is planning to make this dedication of the park in memory of Larry L. Maxam and all soldiers who have given their lives in the service of our country as a part of our Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 25, 2009. Larry Maxam attended Emerson Elementary, John Muir, and Burbank High. What a great day it will be when the youth who come to Larry L. Maxam Memorial Park in Burbank can enjoy this beautiful park and, at the same time, learn about a true American hero, and, also pause to reflect on all the brave men and women who have lost their lives in the service of our country.

We would like anyone who may have any information on Larry Maxam's family to please let us know. Also, we would like to hear from Larry's friends who would like to share some memories. They can e-mail me at

Thanks, Pam and Jon. Talk to you soon. See you at the reunion comm. mtg. on Sunday!

Read more about Larry Maxam at Wes Clark's website and here is the Burbank Leader article


This is a "heads up" from Peggy Melton Cyphers '66, regarding her brother Don Melton '65...
Hi Pam & Jon, I want to let everyone know that my brother Don Melton is doing the "Producers" in the community theater in Simi Valley. I believe it started last week end, Feb. 20 and will run for 4 to six weeks I think. Contact him at and he can give you more information. I knew he wouldn't tell a lot of people but I know a lot of us enjoyed watching him when we were in high school. He isn't playing a lead but has several different characters he plays throughout the play. He even sings and dances. That has got to be worth the price of admission!!!!!

Chris Peterson snapped this pic at the BHS Centennial last year when we met in the patio of BJ's Restaurant Grill - great fun! LR Standing: Carol Nicholls Lebrecht '67, Chris Morris '67, Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67, Mary Brotsis Andersen '67; Sitting: Don Melton '65, Cathy Palmer '67


Also, this word from Herb Vincent '46...

Hi Pam, Thanks for the Loop...Would you put in a note that I am looking for old Ceralbuses.... mostly from the mid-forties and newer. We have many requests for them and I make them available for a $25 price, which covers the postage and any left over goes to the SB Foundation. Thanks Herb '46

NOTE: Herb sends out by US mail to anyone a monthly Senior Bulldogs News and if you want to receive it, please contact him: Herb Vincent, 704 E. Grinnell Dr, Burbank, CA 95101


Well...That about takes care of all the pertinent let's mosey over to "THE OLD MAIL BAG" and see if we have heard from anyone...

First up is our "recently retired" Joanie Nobile Ortega '67...

Hi Pam,

Well the day arrived, last Thursday, January 29, 2009, after 41 1/2 years working (first for Home Savings, then WaMu/JPMorgan Chase) I am no longer employed. Chase eliminated my department, which was WaMu's Executive Response Team in Northridge. We could have applied to keep our jobs if we wanted to move either to Chicago our Houston. However, I am very happy living in Burbank, so that was not an option. So, reluctantly, I packed my "stuff" and off I went to my next adventure, retirement. Fred and I left on Friday with Gary and Karen Smestad and drove the motorhome to Surprise AZ to visit some old Disney friends who retired there. We enjoyed three days of great weather and hospitality and returned home yesterday.

We had a busy January, our oldest grandson, Griffin Turner, celebrated his 21st birthday in Vegas with his mom and dad (our daughter and son-in-law). The same day they were all there, I took their 13 year old, Justin, to his doctor, (in Oxnard) as he had not been feeling well and was very sluggish. Justin's doctor told me to get him to Children's Hospital, L.A., as soon as possible, as his blood sugar was "off the chart." I brought him and his sisters to Burbank, left the girsl with Fred and I, along with Justin's other grandma, Katie Turner, took him to CHLA. Well, the doctors in the ER at Childrens, confirmed the diagnosis of "juvenile onset" Diabetes, Type I. Justin was hospitalized, his parent s came home the next morning, and we all learned a lot about Diabetes, blood sugar levels, insulin etc. Justin was a trooper throughout the entire experience. I have a renewed admiration for this little boy. He could not have handled this ordeal any
better. He took everything in stride and we are all proud of him.

Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Griffin leaves later this week, for his second tour in the Middle East, with the USMC. It's been a month of rollercoaster emotions to say the least.

Hope to see you sometime soon. Joan Ortega

John & Cathy Nicholls Coyle provided this photo from the '67 class 40th reunion: Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Joan Nobile Ortega, Martha Youngquist, Chris/Jay Peterson and Dawn Moselle Hourigan


Next up is...Little Bro, Bobby Carter '66...

Pammy, what a beautiful fam the Estradas are!

Also, what is wrong with Burdette??

You should know that about 15 of us 66’ers gathered at Mel Barnes ranch in Agua Dulce to watch the Super Bowl….notables like Jim Knight; Steve Lopez; Gil Uribe; Sandy Tate Uribe, Randy Boeing, etc. etc.

Place was a menagerie…goats, Guinea Hens, miniature horses; doves, chickens dogs, cats, on and on. Mel and his lovely wife Lisa can’t leave for more that 5 hours because of all the necessary feedings.

It was a literal feast and many refreshments of the liquid kind, as well. We missed you Jim Davis.

What we learned was Mel was an absolute hero in Vietnam and received numerous commendations like 3 Purple Hears, 3 Bronze Stars, and too many others to mention.

A true walking hero…let alone 31 years serving the public @ the Glendale Police Dept. But, above and beyond that, Mel is probably the nicest human being walking this planet.

Many thanks Mel and Lisa….it was a great day especially taking $50 off Gary Marca (’69).

Bob Carter

PS For those of you who don't know why Burdette Houser '66 has been on the Prayer List, he has been fighting a very mean cancer for some time...

Linda Mazur '66 took this at the BHS Centennial last year: Steve Ross '66, DeeDee Daugharty '66, Bob Carter '66, Jeanne Barron '67, John Wells '66, Ken Douglas '66, Sharon Williams '66


Be sure to remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, March Sunday Morning March 8th begins Daylight Savings Time...Yup, ya lose an hour's sleep!


This one is from Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67...
Hi Pam: I came across this photo while looking for other photos. Thought you might like to put it in your Loop Newsletter. It was taken at my Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary, June 1992. Cathy

Left to right Richard Nicholls '64, George Nicholls '65, Jon Kirkwood '64, John Peterson '65, Bob Fossler '64 and Bill Henry '64

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Anson on Fox Tonight

3/1/09 UPDATE
Click here to read transcript of Hannity's program with Anson - again, thanks Iris.

2/26/09 UPDATE
Click here to see a 5 min appearance of Anson on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet today - thanks Iris!

Kent Barcus emailed saying: "Anson Williams was part of this evening's Great American Panel on Hannity (Fox News Channel). It will re-broadcast at 9pm Pacific this evening and might be viewable on the Fox News Channel website (even independents and Democrats can view it if it's there)."

And speaking of Anson, if you haven't seen this, here is a McDonald's commercial from the 70's with you know who...


Monday, February 23, 2009

Do you twitter?

Ok, now I have 2 websites, 6 blogs, 1 youtube channel, a facebook account and now I twitter!

Check it out here: and join the fun (I think - not sure yet).

Also, you can read more about twitter at Wikipedia.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ron Wysocky!

During an email exchange with BHS class '67 grad Ron Wysocky, he let the cat out of the bag that TODAY he is joining the ranks of the elite by turning SIXTY years old.

Hope you and your wife have a fun time celebrating at the track - and don't loose your shorts, Ron!

I'm doing pretty well. Since it is Sunday already I can tell you that this is the day I am joining people like yourself and Don Ray by becoming another member of the BHS class of '67 that turns 60. For excitement I will be at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia (also known as The Great Race Place), where I will be trying my luck handicapping the throughbreds. It looks to be a good day weather-wise and with the backdrop of the San Gabriel mountains, it will be very picturesque.

I will be accompanied by Lynne, my wife of 26 1/2 years as she is doing much better in her recovery. On March 15 it will be 1 year that she has been home from Arizona. When our kids were in high school we were active in the band boosters of Azusa High School (1984-1990), and some of our fund-raising activities included 'A Day at the Races' at Santa Anita Park. That is when Lynne and I were introduced to the sport of throughbred horse racing so regardless of how I do in placing my bets, it is always fun. I'm taking Monday off from work to make it a 3 day weekend. So if you excuse me I have to make this short as I have to get back in the Daily Racing Form and continue doing some serious handicapping.

All the best...


Mayor Marv

And from the 40th reunion...

Ron Wysocky, Martha Youngquist, Deanna Lloyd, Tom Hurd and Andrea Moxness

2/26/09 UPDATE
This morning received this email from Ron and my reply follows:

From: Ron Wysocky
Subject: Thanks

Hey CP...

I thought I could sneak one past you about my birthday last Sunday, but I under-estimated you. You are good! As for the thoroughbreds, I started out pretty well cashing winning tickets on the first 4 races and then I hit a dry spell - like for the rest of the racing card. But then again so did plenty of other folks as it was announced prior to the last race that there would be no Pick 6 winner - correctly picking the winners of the last 6 races. If no one wins the Pick 6 it usually becomes known after the last race and not before. I don't remember seeing that happen before. But there is nothing to worry about as I didn't quit my day job and I had a good time anyway.

Keep up doing the great work you do with your web site keeping all of us connected.


From: Cathy Palmer

Sounds like you had a fun time, Ron. I've only been to the races once and it was on a date about 100 yrs ago (it seems - hahaa). And the guy took me to Santa Anita too! I remember very little of the whole event.

Horses and I have had some 'interesting' times... as a little girl at summer camp one time, I got on a horse (pony?) and the cowboy led us around in a circle while he held the reins - pretty safe, right? Well, it was my first time on a horse and wouldn't you know it, both the saddle and I ended up on the ground in a puff of dust! The cowboy came over and told me I needed to get up and get back in the saddle! So that was not the best intro to horses.

But later on, I used to go to Pickwick and ride horses in jr high and high school on occassion. (Do you remember a girl named Barbara Flasher? She had an older brother named Jeff. She and I would go horseback riding together sometimes - I've totally lost touch with her even before we graduated as her family moved I think to Encino or somewhere.) Anyway, one day I went by myself and got my favorite horse and decided to race it along a fence which had a sign saying "Do not race horses here". Smart, heh?? Well, again my saddle began to slide sideways and I fell into the fence, scrapping my hands. Some folks came by and helped me back. Oh brother.

The last time I went to Pickwick was as an adult with a friend one afternoon and the horse I had did NOT want to cooperate, but kept wanting to go back the barn. Finally, he rolled over to get me off him and I had to jump off to not get smashed!

*** sigh ***

So my horse adventures have not been the best. However, my sister in Scottsdale currently has a few horses including a wild mustang and they are pretty nice - she specializes in selling horse properties as a realtor and fights for horse owner rights in the city. Anyway, thanks for listening to my horse tales!

Hope you have a wonderful day, Ron,


PS Photos of horses I took last year:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Remember Jack LaLanne?

How could we not! His fitness tv show was on the air from 1951-1985.

And I was surprised to discover today that Jack is still alive and going strong, working out 2 hrs a day at 94 yrs of age!

Jack lives with his wife Elaine in Morro Bay but when they lived in the LA area in the late 60's, my boyfriend knew the famiy and one day we went there. The daughter took us into Jack's weight room which was filled with workout equipment but I was most impressed with the floor to ceiling mirrors on each wall - lol!

So here are a few video clips of his tv show which are pretty entertaining - he has a great personality, is a real encourager and gives good advice:

Stop be so tired


Finger PushUps


Face Workout



Jan 26, 2009 Article: Fitness buff Jack LaLanne still strong at 94

His website:

60's Network TV

Burbank History Photos

Found a few websites with LOTS of historic Burbank photos and here are a couple of examples:

Burbank Brand labels (13 x 4 in) used for canned peaches packed by McKeon Canning Company, Burbank, Los Angeles County, California (1922?).

From the 1950's: Inside the Burbank Public Libary.

I almost expect to see my mother there as she made frequent trips to the library to pick up reading material, esp mysteries like Perry Mason - no wonder I like to read/research/investigate via the internet - lol!

Here are more Burbank History links:

Oviatt Library Digital Collection

Burbank Historical Society photos

Burbank people photos

And of course, Wes & Mike's Burbankia website is FULL of wonderful photos!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Divine Protection

This afternoon I got a call from my daughter saying that my son, John, was in a car accident and amazingly, he was not hurt at all nor was anyone else.

Apparently, his car flipped when a semi ran him off the road while driving from Florida to his home in Charleston, South Carolina!

As a praying mother, I am most thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for his protection.

John holding his niece, Lauren earlier this month.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sonoma HGTV Dream Home 2009

Just got this email from Donna Luce Neitman and she mentions the dream home giveaway that is located in my town, Sonoma - hope you win, girl!

Hi Cathy,
I was reading your story about the SS Catalina and I remember touring it on one of my cruises that went to Ensenada. It was in the early 90's I believe and we got to go on board. I think they were trying to get funding or donations to refurbish it. I don't think that ever came about and I'm not sure what happened to the 'ole girl'. Probably broken down for scrap metal and buried at sea! Anyway, just wanted to share that with you.

P.S. I'm trying to win the "Dream Home" from HGTV in Sonoma, so we can have the next reunion there!! I really am dreaming. It's beautiful, have you seen it? Wish me luck, ha!!

Love, Donna Luce

--- end ---

Dream Home Details:

Thursday, Feb 19, is the deadline for entering the 2009 HGTV Dream Home Giveaway. This year's house in Sonoma, Calif., is a two-story farmhouse with 3,600 square feet of living space, three bedrooms and 31/2 baths. Highlights include two bedroom mini-suites and a master bedroom suite with luxury spa-inspired bathroom and its own sitting room. The winner also receives a 2009 GMC Acadia. The total value of the package is more than $2 million. To enter, go to

90 Second Tour of Home


Downtown Sonoma



Even in the rain, it's a beautiful home and this afternoon, I stopped by the Dream Home...



Deadline For Entries: THIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 at 5 pm ET (2 pm PT) —

Winner to be Unveiled in HGTV Dream Home Giveaway 2009 Special on March 15

Only TWO days are left to enter the 2009 HGTV Dream Home Giveaway to win a new, 3,700-square foot fully-furnished custom-designed Victorian-style home in the wine valley of Sonoma, CA, a 2009 GMC Acadia and much more.

Top HGTV designers used their unique talents to create many of this year’s rooms, including Kim Myles (Kids’ Room), John Gidding (home study) and Monica Pedersen (outdoor tablescapes.)

People can enter once a day at

Other cool features:
-- patio area with outdoor kitchen and garden vineyard
-- front and back porches with gorgeous vistas
-- 3 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms
-- home office with a fully stocked wine closet
-- gourmet kitchen
-- two-car garage
-- even a Doggie Dream Home!

Check out’s Dream Home Central ( to access a room-by-room 360 degree virtual tour, photo gallery, blog, exclusive videos and much more.

The winner will get a surprise knock on the door and be revealed in a half-hour special, “HGTV Dream Home Giveaway 2009” on Sunday, March 15 at 8 pm ET/PT.

March 13, 2009 UPDATE

Sonoma Dream Home mystery winner revealed soon

HGTV's Dream Home in Sonoma



Published: Friday, March 13, 2009 at 3:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 12:56 p.m.

Someone, somewhere in America, got the lucky news last week that they will be moving to a fancy dream house in Sonoma.

Or at least, they will have the opportunity - if they can pull together the taxes and upkeep on a $2.5 million “farmhouse,” professionally decorated and fully equipped with stocked wine cellar, “petite vineyard,” large screen TV and matching dog house.

The winner, picked from among 39 million entries in a drawing on March 3, will be disclosed during a 30-minute TV special, HGTV Dream Home Giveaway 2009, airing on the network at 8 p.m. Sunday.

The winner will be chauffered by limousine on April 17 to their new home. At that time they will get a tour, which will be filmed for a future broadcast, and be presented with keys to the property.

The wannabes include many people from Sonoma County and even Sonoma itself who were hoping to upgrade to a 3,700-square-foot home or simply to cash out their earnings.

“I entered. But I was just in it for the money, frankly,” laughed Karen Gardner, a dental hygienist who already has a nice spread on 50 acres in nearby Glen Ellen. “I figured maybe I could give it to one of my kids. I’d have had to take out another line of credit if I had won. And then I would have sold all the furnishings on eBay.”

Leslie Vaughn of Sonoma said she entered twice every day — using both her own name and e-mail and her husband Kevin’s. She was really hoping to win for her niece, who lives in Henderson and wants desperately to move back to the Sonoma area where her mother lives.

“I have been doing positive affirmations,” said Vaughn, who said she figured the taxes alone would be $2,000 a month — more than her current rent. “I’ve driven past it a zillion times. And when my niece came into town, the first thing she wanted to see was the Dream House. I do feel that if by some miracle I won, it would be for them.”

The network’s newest Dream Home, built by Santa Rosa General Contractor Bruce Lee with Sonoma developer and hotelier Steve Ledson, is set on the perimeter of Armstrong Estates, a luxury subdivision of custom-built fantasy homes that Ledson has been developing for some 20 years on Sonoma’s pricey east side.

Ledson said 4,253 people paid $20 apiece to tour the house over the last two months, raising $85,000 for his family charity, the Ledson Harmony Foundation for Children. The nonprofit organization grants wishes for children undergoing personal or family hardships.

Emily Yarborough, a spokeswoman for HGTV, said both electronic and paper entries had an equal chance of winning. Every entry, whether by mail or e-mail, was assigned a bin number. Balls with all the bin numbers were then put into a large drum. Network president Jim Samples pulled one ball from the drum to determine which bin he would draw the winner from. Then the winner was chosen.

This is the 13th Dream Home, each picked for its fantasy getaway location, that the network will give away. In truth, a combination of crushing taxes and upkeep costs combined with the faraway locations has forced all but two winners to quickly sell off their winnings. And the other two have subsequently sold.

Don and Shelly Cruz, who won a 5,500 square foot barn-style mansion in Tyler, Tex., complete with two-story boathouse in 2005, tried desperately to stretch beyond his means to live in the lakeside house. But, unable to pay the property taxes and teetering on foreclosure, they auctioned off the home for $1.3 million in January, less than the assessed value of $1.8 million.

Ledson said he’s prepared to buy back the Sonoma Dream Home if it doesn’t pencil out for tonight’s winner.

“Whatever I would ask for it, I probably would be lucky if I got my money back because people just aren’t spending money now,” said the developer, who said it cost about $2.3 million to build. “It’s a very nice house. It’s got a lot of amenities. And in time the values are going to come back. Will they be as high as they were when the bubble burst? Not for awhile.”

Ledson, who also has a winery and the luxe Ledson Hotel on the Sonoma Plaza, recently sold a house down the street from the Dream Home for $2.3 million. But it had been on the market for over a year. Another one also several doors down that he built but no longer owns, is on the market for slightly under $1 million.

The hoopla has brought a lot of publicity to Sonoma, a nice boost in a flagging economy. HGTV has promoted the charms of the historic wine country town on its Web site. And many people have trekked to Sonoma to either tour the house or view it from the road. Most came from the greater Bay Area although a few diehards, said Ledson, flew in from other states.

“People thought it was exciting,” said Kirsten Stewart, co-owner of Deuce Restaurant on Broadway. She said a number of customers asked for directions to the Dream House eight blocks away.

Vaughn said the giveaway has been a bright spot in a gloomy winter of bad economic news.

“People could get their hopes up and be excited about something,” she laughed. “Live the dream. It was a fun thing.”


rebob says...
March 11, 2009 5:13:08 pm
No I didn't win and wasn't even aware of the drawing.

This is however a minor symptom of our slipping into 3rd world economic status.

Promote the extreme luck of a select few as a means to distract the general public from the current economy. Paging Kurt Vonnegut.

GeezerBill says...
March 12, 2009 6:57:51 am
I wasn't going to 'fess up just yet,.....but, yes, I WON, and you are all invited to my open house bash this Sunday. There will be limosine service, a complete catered lunch (caviar will be served in large tureens), your choices of the best red and white wines that Sonoma and Napa counties have to offer, a complete bar, and balloons for the kiddies. On-site massages will be offered by lovely masseuses, and a beautiful $3,0000,000 Bugatti Veyron automobile will be auctioned off, with the money donated to the Bernie Madoff legal fund. Music will be provided by the San Francisco Boys Choir, sponsored by the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), with parking-lot security from the junior chapter of Gay Youths for Hitler.

The entire Santa Rosa City Council will welcome you, answer questions and shake hands. In the spirit of the Stimulus Program, the event will conclude with an air show by the Blue Angels---compliments of Nancy Pelosi. Barrack Obama was going to make the scene, but his teleprompter is still having problems, and the new one won't arrive until next week. Not to worry. Arnold Schwarzenegger will arrive with a complete set of weights and will attempt to top the world bench press record while making a surprise announcement that Warren Buffett has donated his entire fortune to help with the California bailout.

Of course, I will be there to sign autographs.

sophieSEA says...
March 12, 2009 1:06:50 pm
I don't understand why HGTV has to build such extravagant homes where the people who win cannot even afford to live there. Why not build something modest instead of home in the most expensive development in Sonoma???? No, of course they won't because that makes sense.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dinner with the Tour of California Crew

Tonight I met up with Shari Deuel Nicholls at Chevy's Restaurant in Santa Rosa.

She along with 80 crew volunteers are working the AMGEN Tour of California 2009.

It was fun meeting some of these wild and crazy cyclist fans who came from all over the place (i.e. Michigan, Alabama, Vermont, Hawaii and of course, good ol' California) to help and be apart of this exciting adventure!

Lance on Twitter

And here a couple of photos of Shari at the World Senior Games in St. George, Utah, last October where she got Overall Win with 4 Golds including First Female Finisher in the Road Race - you go girl!

PS And for you who wanted to see Shari in her drill team uniform, pls click here - lol!!

'69 T-Bird 4-Sale

Looks good!

Hi Everyone.
I want to sell my 1969 Thunderbird if you know of someone please e mail me or call me at 818 590-8394.
Flora Angel Ferrens

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Catalina Island

In the 1950's, our family would board the big white steamer to vacation on Catalina Island.

One roundtrip was made daily departing from Wilmington at 10:00 am and returning at 4:30 pm. The fare in 1956 was $2.96 each way plus tax.

Official greeter Leo "Duke" Fishman works the crowd with a sing-a-long, a fixture in Avalon from 1934 until his death in 1977.

Salt Water Taffy

Swimming at the beach, watching the salt water taffy machine in the storefront window, diving for coins at the boat dock whenever the steamer arrived each day, singing around the fountain in the evenings and hearing the cannon go off when a Marlin was weighed in are some of my memories.

Years later, I returned for my sister's wedding. My children and I traveled by car, plane and ship to see Patty marry Frank. She was a teacher on the island and they lived at the Wrigley House.

One day, I would love to return again to Catalina!

NOW WATCH this video taken of the Catalina from the '50's!


And here is an interesting article...

Catalina Island
By David Ellis

Pop group The Four Preps assured us in 1958 that Catalina Island was twenty-six miles across the sea… or in metric parlance, forty kilometres in a leaky old boat…

We've believed them all these years, even though they were wrong on both counts: Santa Catalina is in fact 22-miles across the sea, which converts to just 35-kilometres. But, hey, what sounds better when put to music?

And in any case, Catalina Island is all about the contrary: where else will you find a casino where you can't gamble, a post office that doesn't deliver the mail (the grocer will do it for you with your home-delivery order,) a bird park that has no birds, a town with a Third Street but no First or Second Streets, pizzerias that send your dinner home by golf cart, and a grand mausoleum with no one in it? Or where the less-than 4000 locals are outnumbered 250 to 1 by 1-million visitors a year, primarily retirees who pour ashore mid-week from day ferries in their 'sensible' slacks, walking shoes and golf caps to reminisce in yesteryear?

At weekends a younger crowd flocks to the island that despite being just an hour or so off California's coast, is almost-1950s time-warp in architecture and pace of life – and is the only place in America to govern the number of cars on its roads. Locals have got around this disconcerting legislation that sees them waiting up to ten years for a permit to import a car, by taking to the streets aboard an armada of golf carts that hugely outnumber cars and trucks and give the streets of the main town of Avalon, a look somewhat akin to Fred Flintstone territory. Visitors too can hire a cart to get around. Or walk.

Most day-visitors make a bee-line for the biggest building in town, that vast dome-shaped Casino where they can't gamble. Its builders reckoned "casino" meant "gathering place," and when this one opened in the 1920s it was to gather for dancing and dining, with Jimmy Dorsey, Woody Herman, Harry James and Benny Goodman pulling the crowds. Today it's still home to dancing, dining, movies and concerts. And while Catalina's Bird Park was once one of America's biggest with 8000 species in 500 cages covering 4ha, it was scaled down during the Second War when the island was taken over as a troop base; it never recovered and closed in 1966. Visitors to the park today go there to walk or cycle its vast grounds.

Chewing-gum magnate William Wrigley Jr had a house on Catalina Island and built his own marble mausoleum, but it too is empty: while he was laid there for a short while, he is buried at Forest Lawn, and his mausoleum is now a memorial. In the 1920s fourteen bison (buffalo) were shipped to Catalina Island for a movie The Vanishing American based on a novel by Zane Grey who wrote the novel while living there; when filming ended the beasts were abandoned and numbers exploded to around 600. Today 200 roam free, with regularly culling seeing excess numbers sent to mainland national parks.

For long-stay visitors there are bus tours over the mountain from Avalon to Two Harbors, wildlife spotting for bison, foxes or dolphins, glass-bottom boats, golf (Catalina's was Southern California's first golf course in 1892,) sea caving, diving on wrecks including a one-time Chinese smuggler's ship, horse-riding, Jeep Eco-touring and a fascinating museum. Catalina also has excellent seafood and international-favourite restaurants, countless ice-cream and waffle parlours, and the circa-1946 Marlin Bar, the oldest on the island still sports its 1940s décor including an ancient sign: I am not an alcoholic – alcoholics hold meetings.

Oddly Catalina Island's Constitution was written in pencil, Winston Churchill once caught a marlin here, actress Natalie Wood drowned off the island in 1981 while boating with her husband Robert Wagner, and actor Phil Hartman was murdered here by his wife in 1998… And a young radio announcer who won himself a Hollywood acting contract while temporarily working here in 1936 went on become President of the United States. His name was Ronald Regan.


--- end ---

Avalon Remembered

CATALINA LINKS: and Shared Memories

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dave's New Column

Advice for Congress: Call My Mom

Contributed by: David LeSueur on 2/10/2009


Our economy is hurting so we are going to borrow almost a trillion dollars to "stimulate" it. I suppose that might make sense on a macroeconomic level, but it flies in the face of two economic principles my parents taught me: don't spend money if you don't have it, and don't buy something if you don't need it.

Congress could learn from the example of our family freezer. In 1964 I was 14, my 2 brothers were 12 and 4 and my sister was 9. My parents had planned a six week vacation (my father was a high school history teacher) for us to drive from Burbank, California across the country to see the New York World's Fair. But my mom also wanted to buy a freezer so Dad told her that if she could spend less than what they had budgeted for the vacation, she could use the savings to buy a freezer.

To save money on lodging we stayed as much as possible with friends and family. When necessary, we rented a room at Motel 6. In those days the "6" was in the name because rooms were $6 per night. The "6" also signified how many people we put in a room. Unfortunately the "6" did not stand for how many of us slept in a bed. Since there were only two double beds my youngest brother always slept on the floor and the other three kids rotated sleeping on the floor with him.

Mom saved money on food by fixing us cold cereal in the morning and making us sandwiches for lunch. Occasionally Mom and Dad would splurge by eating out for breakfast. The kids still ate cold cereal in the car but Dad bought us donuts on those days to make us feel special too.

It was a great trip and we stayed under budget so Mom bought a freezer for $100. They still had it in 1974 and in 1984 and in 1994 and in 2004. Mom didn't replace it because it still worked - except that the interior light no longer came on when you opened the door. That freezer lasted longer than most marriages, but it had two significant problems. First, it had to be defrosted, which was an all day chore. I remember some months when the freezer had more frost than food in it. And even worse, it used a lot of electricity.

You may have heard of CERN, an international physics laboratory in Sweden. It contains an enormously powerful particle accelerator capable of smashing subatomic particles together, reproducing the energies that existed a fraction of a second after the big bang. The experiment was scheduled for last Fall but was postponed for undisclosed reasons. Well , I can now tell you the real reason was Mom's freezer. It was so inefficient that there was a huge electromagnetic field above my parent's house. Scientists were afraid that the particles colliding would create a black hole above the freezer that might swallow up their house and the entire city of San Clemente.

Last Christmas, Mom bought herself a new freezer after 44 years. She only started thinking about it because the power company offered her a $35 rebate if she would buy a more energy efficient model. She had decided against buying a new one ("The old one still works!" she said) until Dad pointed out that $35 was enough to buy them each six meals at Taco Bell. Keeping a freezer that long is very unusual in our culture of instant gratification and "I want it all and I want it right now."

If your kids are complaining about having to wait until their birthdays to get a new cell phone, or if you are considering borrowing money on your 5 th credit card, I suggest you visit my mom to gain a little perspective. She will be excited to show you her new freezer that she waited 44 years to buy. And if you are really nice, she will show you how the light comes on when you open the door.

David LeSueur lives in Littleton with his wife Mary. He can't think of anything he has owned for 44 years.

Thanks Dave to both you and your mom for much needed financial advice! cp

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sacramento Update: Friday Furlough

Thanks Carol for the update and glad to hear your department was exempt from the pay cuts. Hope these changes help the state!

Hi Cathy,

I work for The Department of Justice in downtown Sacramento. We were on pins and needles all week wondering if we were going to be part of the Governor's ordered twice a month furlough. On Thursday we found out that we would not be participating. Unlike the fate of 200,000 other California State employees, a judge decided that we were not part of the lawsuit against the furloughs brought before him as our boss, Attorney General Jerry Brown, is an elected official. There are five such state agencies that are not participating in the furloughs, Dept of Justice, Secretary of State, Treasurer's, Dept of Education and Dept of Insurance all constitutional offices.

Friday, February 6th, was the first day of the Governor's imposed state employee furlough. I did not notice any change in the traffic driving into work. A fellow employee that rides the light rail, usually filled with state commuters, said the train was virtually empty. When I walked into the office there was an unusual silence. I knew everyone was to be at work, although I could not see them over the cubicle walls. The phones were not ringing. It was eerily silent. We all felt a little guilty that we were not participating and would not be getting a 10% cut in pay like other state employees throughout California. Infact there are alot of our friends and spouses, who work for the state, who were off for this first furlough day. I did not venture out of the building to check out how the restaurants were faring as there was a light rain throughout the day. The microwave was as far as I got to warm up my South Beach diet pizza. A lot of the restaurants will be advertising dinner specials to at least get some business in the evening is what the papers are telling us. The Friday lunch crowd is the busiest time for downtown Restaurants usually filled with State workers.

The governor and legislative leaders are only two blocks away in the Capitol building deciding the fate of California. They are trying to fix the $42 billion deficit with an 18 month budget. From my 8th floor window I could look down on them, if it weren't for a large towering building in the way. I can see the parking lots below and they are empty.

Empty state employee parking lot

The governor has threatened that if the furloughs are not taken there may be layoffs and demotions ahead. All we can do is wait to hear what will happen to us. We have openings in our office that may not get filled so our employees have been stretched to the limit with increased workloads. No one complains though as it could be a lot worse. There are a lot of single employees and those with small children all the way thru children in college that live from paycheck to paycheck as it is.

Here is an interesting article I found in the paper today.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Little-known pay boosts to dozens of California Senate aides are costing taxpayers about $350,000 each year. The practice surfaced after a Senate committee voted last month to stop adding employees to the stipend program because the state faces a $42 billion budget shortfall. Sixty-eight employees get up to $1,000 in monthly pay sweeteners. The money comes from senators' office expense allowances. The Senate does not disclose the stipends in public pay records. The list was obtained by The Sacramento Bee after the paper received an anonymous tip. Senate Secretary Greg Schmidt said he keeps few records about the program. He could not say how much money the state has paid in past years. Senate leaders defend the program as necessary to retain key employees.
The Associated Press

Hanging in there in Sacramento.
Carol (Nicholls) Lebrecht

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jackie Visits Sonoma

Had a fun visit with Jackie Hayes Steen (BHS '68) today. So great reconnecting again after ALL these years.

And here's what Jackie wrote in my '67 Ceralbus:

"Cathy - Well - here we are - another year is over. This has been the greatest yet. And knowing you & being with you a lot has made it even better. Man, am I ever glad we were together in P.E. It was tons of fun having you as my tennis partner - even tho we didn't win the tournament! I feel that this year, we have gotten to know each other much, much better. You are one of the funniest greatest persons I know & I love being with you, for those reasons. Remember all the gasser times we've had!?!? Thanks so much for all those times!
Good luck always
Love, Jackie (Hayes)
P.S. Listen - just because you're out of hi school now, doesn't mean I'm gonna loose track of you (you can't get off that easily!!!) Call me or something this summer or next year. O.K.??"

Love you, Jackie!

How to Peel Hard-boiled Eggs w/o Peeling

WOW, this is good to know - can hardly wait to try it! Thanks for the tip, Jeanne.

hey, check this out!!

hope everyone is doing well

This 1 min video clip was sent to us by Jeanne Barron Aikman (BHS '67).


2009 Tour of California

Lance Armstrong, left in yellow and black and Astana teammate Levi Leipheimer head up King Ridge Road near Cazadero on a training ride, Wednesday February 3, 2009 (source)

The 2009 Tour of California featuring Lance Armstrong, Ivan Basso, Levi, Mark Cavendish and George Hincapie starts next Saturday, February 14 - Valentines Day - at 12:00 noon.

Shari Deuel Nicholls (BHS '67) called yesterday saying she was again helping and would be in Santa Rosa next weekend, so I'll go meet her Sunday night to get an update.
When I asked how's it going, she said, "Well, I had a spill on my bike Thursday and my wrist is swollen and my ribs are bruised. We were riding in the rain. But I'll be in Santa Rosa next Sunday!" Well, we pray you have a quick and complete recovery, Shari. See you soon!

Update from TV-50


And from the
Sonoma Valley Sun
February 6, 2009

Lance Armstrong rides in Sonoma
Chip Roberson Special to the Sun

Soon, Lance Armstrong, seven-time Tour de France (TdF) champion, will roll into Sonoma County once again. On Sunday, Feb. 15, the Fourth Annual Amgen Tour of California will pass through Saint Helena, cross over the Mayacamas Mountains and dive into Santa Rosa.
This year the season, the tour and the Santa Rosa stage are all primed to provide some excellent drama.

First, we have the return of Lance Armstrong – undeniably the superstar of professional cycling. His participation in the Tour Down Under in Adelaide, Australia has once again brought out record attendance, and the buzz is building for the Amgen Tour.

Second, Lance has become the fourth man on Team Astana, which already has a TdF winner (Alberto Contador), a two-time TdF secondnd-place finisher (Andreas Klöden) and a third-place and four-time top-10 TdF finisher (Levi Leipheimer). Then we have the always interesting three-time USA Cycling Champion (Chris Horner). Who will reveal himself as the leader during the 2009 Amgen Tour of California?

Finally, did I mention that Santa Rosa is the home of Levi Leipheimer, who happened to win the last two Amgen Tours, in 2008 and 2007? Stage 1 of the 2009 Amgen Tour of California is going to be an opening scene in a multi-act drama for the American cycling fan. But that’s not the beginning of the cycling story in Sonoma.

Sonoma County has a special place in the history of American cycling. In the ‘80s the great 7-Eleven cycling team based its training camps at the north end of the Valley of the Moon and made many of the rides around the county famous, including our own Cavedale and Trinity road climbs. 7-Eleven boasted some of the great riders of the day and eventually became the Motorola team that launched Lance Armstrong’s career.

Over the last several weeks, Lance has been spotted riding around the world, including Sonoma Valley. How do I know this? Lance has been sending me updates and even pictures to my phone! Like an increasing number of professional athletes, Lance is using Twitter to keep his fans informed and engaged.
I imagine that more than a few readers are unfamiliar with, which is technically a “micro-blogging” service. I just like to think of it as a personal news feed to which athletes, newspapers, etc. post breaking news. Lance has used it to tell us about his training, his races, the places he has visited, his foundation and even when “Drug Control” comes knocking (which is quite often)!

I wasn’t following Lance when he was last in Sonoma, but after reading what he has written about other areas (e.g., describing the Old Mamalahoa Highway on the Big Island as “One of the top five finest roads I’ve ridden. A must see.”) I regret that I wasn’t following him back then. However, he’ll be back and I’ll be following his every word.

Finally, thanks to Twitter, we have Lance’s daily schedule from when he was on vacation in Hawaii recently:
“The schedule is always the same here. 5 a.m: wake up, drink lots of coffee. 6 a.m: eat breakfast. 7 a.m: start the ride. Noon: finish. 12:30: lunch. 3 p.m: massage. 4– p.m: six holes of golf. 6 p.m: dip my beak in a frosty beverage. 7 p.m: dinner. 9– p.m: bedtime. Repeat.”

Addendum: Team Astana just announced on Twitter that they’re on their way to Santa Rosa! You might want to keep your eyes open as you drive around our Sonoma roads. If you want to follow the race on TV, you’ll find it on Versus.

--- end ---

A portion of the Astana team rides over the Jenner Bridge above the Russian River here in Sonoma County, Wednesday February 4, 2009 with Lance Armstrong and Levi Leipheimer (source)

And then there are those of us that just like to ride leisurely around town or along the local bike trail through vineyards on our one speed bike - cheers!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"We Found It!"

Apparently, Burbank didn't know TODAY was the day to open the time capsule until LA Times blogger Larry Harnisch sent them an email over the weekend!

Burbank city officials remove a 50-year-old miniature time capsule that was encased in concrete in the Magnolia Bridge in 1959. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)

Burbank unearths 50-year-old time capsule
1:21 PM, February 5, 2009

With a hammer and chisel, a Burbank city worker this morning carved out a tiny silver time capsule 50 years after it was first tucked into the base of the Magnolia Bridge.

"It was there -- we found it," said deputy city manager Joy Forbes, excitement and relief bubbling through her voice.

City officials did not know the capsule was due to be opened on Feb. 5, 2009, until Larry Harnisch at the Times' Los Angeles history blog e-mailed them over the weekend. City workers hustled to find the location of the time capsule. When they pried off the dedication plaque on the base of the bridge, near 1st Street and Magnolia Boulevard, they found a darker patch of cement.

Around 10:30 this morning, city officials gave the hammer and chisel to Stan Lynch, a 64-year-old Burbank resident who was there in 1959 when the capsule and bridge were dedicated. Lynch said he walked the half-mile from his house to the dedication ceremony 50 years ago because, frankly, "There wasn't a lot to do back in 1959."

He noted that a few things have changed in the area: The department store Burcal and several camera shops have closed. Obviously, the mall is new. But, he added, "Strangely enough, the feel of the city, the small-town feel Burbank always had, it's still there."

Lynch, an adult school substitute teacher in Burbank, said he had been telling people for years that there was a time capsule buried in that bridge. City officials said they didn't know there was one. His friends didn't believe him. So when he handed over the hammer and chisel to a city public works employee and watched him carve out the capsule, about the size of a can of soda, he felt vindicated.

"They talked about maybe putting a capsule in there to replace it and opening it in another 50 years," Lynch said. "I hope to be able to see that."

The 1959 Times blurb said the silver-plated lead capsule contained "35-mm films of various buildings, schools and the new city golf course." Burbank officials plan to take the capsule to a professional imaging and film lab next week to be opened. Forbes said they want to make sure a specialist can repair the film if time has damaged it. Prints could be made by the end of the month.

"It looks to be in good condition," she said, noting that the city has at least two other time capsules and plans to keep better track of when they're due to be opened.

-- Jia-Rui Chong

--- end ---

Historic capsule likely has Burbank views
By Tony Castro, Staff Writer
Updated: 02/05/2009 11:18:37 PM PST

Burbank Mayor Dave Golonski holds a time capsule at the east side of the Magnolia Bridge at 1st Street in Burbank, Feb. 5, 2009. The silver-plated lead capsule was sealed in the bridge in 1959 and contains 35-mm film of local buildings. (Hans Gutknecht/Staff Photographer)

BURBANK - Fifty years ago, Burbank city fathers planted a time capsule, which their modern day counterparts have spent a week searching for.

But after finally finding it Thursday behind a plaque at the foot of the Magnolia Boulevard Bridge, they'll still need a few more days to see what's inside. The capsule was nothing more than a silver-color 35mm film canister, whose contents are now being developed.

The dozen or so city officials, workers and residents who showed up for the unearthing were not so much disappointed as relieved.

"Yesterday we were all talking about how they were going to open this up and there would be nothing," said Rob Wendlandt, the city's facilities maintenance manager.

At the time, the city officials who planted the capsule predicted that in 2009, Burbank would be a community of 150,000 served by monorail transit and atomic power.

Fittingly, one of those who helped dig out the time capsule was Stan Lynch, a Burbank schools substitute teacher, who as a 14-year-old student had witnessed it being embedded in concrete along a railing of the bridge.

The bridge was new at the time, having cost $1.4 million, and Burbank was a different place.

"We didn't have Circuit City, AMC Theaters or Sears," said Lynch, referring to the three recent landmarks at the nearby intersection of Magnolia Boulevard and First Street.

"And soon we won't have Circuit City," quipped a bystander, noting the big "Going out of business" sign adorning the bankrupt retailer's building behind the bridge.
The heavy midmorning traffic moving briskly through the intersection was proof that the city never got monorail, much less the atomic power or the population projection.

According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau report in December, the population of Burbank is 101,858.

"Burbank hasn't changed; not at all," said Mayor Dave Golonski. "We're virtually the same place. Still a great community. Small community. Small-town values. Small-town feel."

On Thursday morning, workers peeled away the last layer of concrete to unveil the time capsule.

"It looks like a lead pellet," said Golonski when he got a first glimpse at it.

"Maybe it just looked bigger when I was younger," said Lynch, who was the only witness of the original time capsule entombment present at Thursday's ceremony. "Maybe I didn't get a good look at it then."

The film in the capsule is supposed to contain photographs of various buildings, schools and a golf course, but no one will get a look at them for several days.

City officials said the film will be specially treated to prevent any damage before it is processed and the photographs printed and released.

"You don't know how many times over the years I've told friends, `Hey, there's a time capsule buried at the base of the bridge,' and they haven't believed me," said Lynch.

Lynch's 23-year-old son, Steven, who was among those photographing the event, grinned and nodded.

"That's what he's been saying," the younger Lynch said. "And it turned out to be true."

--- end ---

City unearths history

Burbank resident Stan Lynch and mayor Dave Golonski hold a time capsule that was placed in the Magnolia St. bridge in 1959. Lynch was present for the capsule's original placement in the bridge. (Photo by Tom Risen)

Mayor helps dig up a 50-year-old lead tube containing images of Burbank.
By Tom Risen
Published: Last Updated Friday, February 6, 2009 10:07 PM PST

Stan Lynch had a day off from school Feb. 5, 1959, and witnessed then-Mayor H.B. Jerry Bank install a time capsule behind a plaque on the newly built bridge on Magnolia Boulevard.

Lynch sat at the same site Thursday with his son Stephen Lynch and Mayor Dave Golonski to unearth a piece of history: a 50-year- old silver-plated lead tube containing images of Burbank buildings and golf courses from a bygone era. To the side of a closed-off lane on the Magnolia bridge, city officials gathered with a crowd of photographers to delicately extract the capsule from the concrete with a hammer and pick.

“It’s a good thing nobody ran into the bridge,” Lynch said as he and Golonski unearthed the capsule, hidden behind a plaque. “I feel vindicated because for years I would pass by here and tell my friends, ‘There’s a time capsule hidden behind that,’ and they’d all think I was crazy.”

The council was inspired to unearth the capsule after Larry Harnisch, who writes for the Los Angeles Times history blog, the Daily Mirror, found 50-year-old articles that commemorated the time capsule burial. The time capsule, according to the articles, was intended to be unearthed at precisely 11 a.m. Feb. 5, 2009.

Now in the possession of Deputy City Manager Joy Forbes, the capsule will be given to Warner Bros. for safe development of the historic archive.

“Because we know it contains film, we hope they can help us salvage it in case there’s been any damage,” Forbes said. “We should have some photos at the end of the month.”

While the economy has changed after 50 years, Burbank’s population has stayed around 100,000 residents. The capsule predicted Burbank of 2009 would have 150,000 inhabitants, nuclear power and a monorail, according to a 1959 article of the Los Angeles Times.

“The city really, as far as having a small-town feel, I don’t think has changed,” Lynch said. “The old buildings disappeared and got replaced by new stuff. Behind the bridge was the ‘99 building’ of offices, and they tore that down. Now it’s a Circuit City, and they might tear that down now too.”

There were already film studios in 1950s Burbank, but the shutdown of Lockheed’s manufacturing plants by the end of the 1980s has changed the city the most, Lynch said.

“When I was 14, it wasn’t unusual for 75% of the classmates to have family that worked for Lockheed,” he said. “The mall on Magnolia Boulevard is the biggest change after that. We finally got a mall.”

Back in the 1950s, without malls and video games, Lynch remembered there wasn’t as much for a teenager to do, so drive-in movies were the place to be.

“There were several drive-ins, and the last one to go out was the Pickwick drive-in that is now the Pavilion shopping center,” Lynch said. “There were a lot of mom-and-pop places that aren’t there anymore, but there’s a lot of new stuff. Most of the changes in the past 50 years have been good stuff. I think the only bad changes have been speed bumps.”

City officials chose the site since the bridge on Magnolia had just been built and was important at a time when the newly created Golden State Freeway had cut the town in half, Lynch remembered.

“Burying time capsules is a lost art,” Lynch said. “I’m excited to see what happens after this. If they put in a new time capsule, I’ll take my 3-year-old granddaughter, and when they open it 50 years from now, I can go see it with her.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Speaking of Time Capsules...

While searching for info on the Time Capsule scheduled to be opened tomorrow, discovered that Burbank has ANOTHER TC under the statue of David Burbank!
Below is the list of what's in it. Who gets to pick this stuff anyway?? LOL!!

"Sealed on July 4, 1977. by the Burbank, California, Bicentennial Committe. Dedicated to the citizens of Burbank. In the year 2051 to be opened during their Independence Day celebration. Located on the corner of E. Olive and N. Glenoaks Blvd." (source)

Contents of Burbank Time Capsule
Buried beneath the statue of David Burbank

List of Contents

Vern's menu
Tech Graphic Inc. brochure
Burbank City Council Season's Greetings
Bicentennial license plates (28)
Bicentennial emblems (11)
Telephone company book and information
Zero Corporation annual report
Picture of Kathy Eberle and Lee Maple and letter from city library
Post Rider magazine
Starlight BPW bulletin
Rotary Anns of Burbank material
Business and Professional Women's Club of Burbank material
City of Burbank calendar 1976
How-To magazine
Leland Ayers flyer 1976
Burbank telephone directory
Assorted newspaper clippings related to Bicentennial Committee event
Grand Safari circus tickets
Friday Club roster
Glendale Federal Savings Bank picture, flag and small bank
Bicentennial Committee group picture
City of Burbank newsletter summer and autumn 1976
Luther Memorial Church bulletin
Court of St. Anthony's roster
Burbank, California book from Community Bank
1/2 inch stainless stell bellows and aerial view of SSP Ind.
Application of Geothermal Loan Guarantee
Electric Utility Rate study
Pictures of computerized supervisor control units
Pictures of Watthour meter test board
Study of Hybrid Geothermal/fossil power plants
City of Burbank public service material
Public and private school information
Park & recreation schedules
American Hairdresser magazine
Performing Arts Federation programs and information
Drug brochure
AARP membership lists and material
Women's Club of Burbank roster
City employee booklet
Women's Council roster
Garden Club booklet
Forest Lawn special commemorative program
Time capsule plans and drawings
Little White Chapel bulletin (Lutheran Church Women)
Bicentennial Art Show guest book, newspaper clippings and related data
Geneology projects, pictures on tea and plaque presentation
Southern California Gas Company information
Safeway stores material
Disney Studio master plan
Pioneer Spirit of America-Burbank Daily Review July 4, 1976
Shakey's Pizza invitation for fund raising
City of Burbank program July 4, 1976
Burbank musical tribute ot U.S.A.
1976 calendar from Home Savings and Loan Co.
Humorous cards
Christmas, Mother's and Father's Day greeting cards
Travel Agency folder
Hearing aid information
Bicentennial Committee pamphlet
Questions and answers on Bicentenial Commitee pamphlet
Kiwanis Club 1976-1977 roster
Burbank Police Youth Band information
Burbank Choral Club material and pictures
George Washington's Ball invitation and pictures