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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

James Edward Carson, BHS '67, (1949-2013)

Photo from High School

Photo from Class Reunion in 2007

Very sorry to read this today...

"I have just received a note from Alma Tackett Carson, her husband Jim Carson has passed away. Please keep them in your prayers."

Laura Dermedy Unch, BHS '68

UPDATE and photo from Mark Littleton
"Ah Jimmy - God bless your precious soul. Good memories of days gone by. Bless Alma and family. So sorry. Oh Lord be there for them all."

Jimmy, Jim, Kenny, Mark
John Muir Jr High

UPDATE about Service
Saturday, December 7, 2013
11:30 am
Chapel of the Valley
1755 East Avenue R
Palmdale, California 93550
Tel: 661-947-7118

UPDATE and photo from Cathy Nicholls Coyle
"So sorry to hear about Jim. He was truly a geniune guy! One of the best! Blessings to Alma and their families. We'll keep them in our prayers. Remembering the good times we had at our 30 year reunion. RIP dear classmate."

Carol Nicholls Lebrecht, Jim Carson (RIP), Alma Tackett Carson, Bob Holst (RIP) and Cathy Nicholls Coyle

UPDATE a few more Facebook comments...
Jeffrey M. Cooke
I have not seen Jim in years and was planning to call Alma and Jim to see them...Great guy we had Tons of fun growing up! I lived with his family for a few months in 1965 before going to Vietnam! What a super family My heart goes out to Alma!

Betty Wareham Worland
Sorry to hear this news. Remember Alma very well from school. My condolences to Alma and her family! God Bless!

Elaine Bro Elliott
Praying for her- it is such a loss!!

Barbara Zelenay
So sad to hear this.. He was a really nice guy.. My heart goes out to Alma and family...RIP Jim...

Donna Luce Neitman
He was such a sweetheart! My prayers and condolences go out to the family! May you RIP my friend!

Dona Foy Porcaro Bruckner
Jim was always so nice to everyone, I remember all the fun junior high days. Dear Alma and family you are in our prayers. RIP dear Jim!

Judy Sturm Seay
Oh I am so sorry, I remember Alma from High School she was such a nice person. I will keep her in my prayers.

Caroleen Ventimeglia Cleveland
Dear Alma & Family, I pray that God fill you with the peace you will need to endure this sad time and surround you with people who will nurture you.Caroleen Cleveland Dear Alma & Family, I pray that God fill you with the peace you will need to endure this sad time and surround you with people who will nurture you.

Henny Porter Golnick
Alma, so sorry for your loss...

Jan Cooper Michels
So sorry Alma and family

Donald Matthews

Diana Ziegler Larsen
I am so sorry to see this about Jim! I had such a crush on him in elementary school, he was so shy! RIP, Jim.

Carol Brown Baker
So sad for Alma and her family who lost a wonderful husband and soulmate, and for all of us who lost a great classmate and friend. RIP Jim!

Donna Luce Neitman
Cathy Coyle, is that Bob Holst in that picture? if so, I'm sure he and Jim are toasting us all as they are both in Heaven! Two great guys! I found a picture today of Jim from junior high. I have some of you too Cathy! Alma I don't know if you are seeing this post, but I want you to know since Jim couldn't dance with you at the 40th class reunion, it was so much fun dancing with you. I love ya girl and I know how much you miss such a wonderful and special husband and friend!

Cathy Coyle
Yes Donna Luce Neitman. It is Bob Holst. Two great guys gone too soon!!

Pam Kirkwood
So sorry for Alma and her family!!! God Bless Him...

Linda Green Nicholson
Went to John Muir with him super nice guy, my prayers are with Alma and family

Michael Torres
Sorry to hear! my prayers and thoughts are with Alma!!!

Arthur Bojorquez
He was a good guy.

Aqua Dulce / Acton Country Journal
January 4, 2014

In Loving Memory of James Edward Carson
January 23, 1949 - December 2, 2013

James Edward Carson, a longtime resident of Acton, passed away December 2, 2013, at his home. James was a pillar of strength to his family. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Alma; his son, James; his daughter, Jamie; his grandchildren Jamie, Ricky, Michael, Kyle, Jason, Odessa, Ashley, Brandon and Preston; and four great grandchildren, Marley, Sean, Brayden and Alice.

Jim was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on January 23, 1949. He was the son of Arthella Farrell Carson and Walter Carson. He had five sisters - Gloria, Helen, Lori, Rena and Terri - and one brother, Jeff.

Jim's family moved to California in the 50s, settling in Glendale. Jim attended John Muir Junior High and Burbank High School. It was at Burbank High that he met the love of his life, Alma. They fell into deep, inseparable love for each other and got married a year after high school.

After graduation, Jim pursued his passion for trucking and decided to start his own business. He initially partnered with his father but eventually branched out on his own. He was successful and garnered the opportunity to work for the City of Los Angeles as a contract owner-operator where he made many lifelong friends.

Jim's passion for kids was evident in his baseball coaching. He started in Sylmar and continued on into Acton where he coached his kids and grand-kids at the Sierra Little League. He also dedicated his time to the Acton Arrowheads 4-H Club where he was a swine project leader. He was pro-active when it came to kids, not just for his own, but for the kids in the community. Jim was always there for all the kids he met, and they loved him.

Jim was a great man loved by many. He truly will be missed.

-- The Family


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Things My Parents Said by Dave LeSueur

ANOTHER HILARIOUS piece by our Favorite Columnist, BHS '67 Alumni, Dave LeSueur!

Things My Parents Said

Researchers in Omaha, Nebraska have confirmed that the advice my parents gave me when I first went out on my own was true: don’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. The study showed that people who shop for groceries while hungry tend to choose items with more calories and also buy more junk food. A spokesman for the study recommended eating a snack right before shopping. In case you’re interested in more details, here is the link.

I was curious whether other things my parents told me were equally true, so I went to the study’s website. As I had hoped, there were a number of helpful reports. Unfortunately, the links to those studies no longer work, so you will have to be satisfied with the summaries I have put together. The statements by my parents are in bold.

Turn off the lights! Do you think I own stock in the electric company? It turns out that 70% of parents who say this actually DO own stock in the electric company, usually through their 401(k) plans.

If everyone else were jumping off of a bridge, would you jump too? Mothers brought in children who were doing something because “everyone else was doing it.” The kids were taken to a bridge and were told that their friends had all jumped off of it. 30% of the children jumped off of the bridge. The ones who survived all said they would never do it again.

Make sure you put on clean underwear before you leave the house. You never know when you might be in an accident and end up in the hospital. The kids in the prior study were used for this one as well. They were all given this advice by their mothers before being brought to the bridge. 80% of them chose to wear clean underwear. Researchers talked to the kids who survived the fall and found that the ones wearing clean underwear were treated better at the hospital. However, no correlation was found between wearing clean underwear and surviving jumping off of a bridge.

How many times do I have to tell you? According to the study, 7 times.

Why? Because I said so! Researchers examined nearly 5000 cases where a mother gave this response to a child and concluded that the mother was justified 100% of the time. Oddly enough, the study provided no data or reasoning to support the claim. I called my own mother to ask her why, and she said “Because I said so!”

Someday you’ll thank me for this. This study was the most requested one by parents in the Omaha area. Researchers followed nearly 25,000 children for 30 years. So far, none of them has thanked their parents for that.

Beds are not made for jumping on. It was determined that it was too dangerous to test this hypothesis on humans. So the Study Center asked a Norwegian animal trainer named Peta to bring in some subjects. Soon there were three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and broke his head. Peta called the doctor and the doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” The study was immediately terminated without reaching a conclusion. I did a Google search on “Beds made for jumping on” and couldn’t find any. This seems like a great opportunity for some entrepreneur out there.

Do you think your socks are going to pick themselves up? This study tried to answer two questions. First, how many children actually THOUGHT that the socks were going to pick themselves up? The answer was 21%. Second, how often did the socks ACTUALLY pick themselves up? Disappointingly, that only happened 1% of the time.

There were some other studies, but I don’t remember them and as I said before, the links are no longer working. But if you have any other questions, let me know and I’ll ask my friend Ted who lives down the street. He knows a lot of stuff.

David LeSueur lives in Littleton Colorado with his wife Mary. They always eat their vegetables just in case there are still some kids starving in India.


Who Went to Mingay?

Bruce McCormack for one and here are a few of his class photos. Thanks Bruce!

FRONT: Gene Madsen
BOTTOM L-R: Jan Cooper, Penny Morgan, Gail Palucci, Warnie Enochs, Michael Torres, Diane McCall, Stephanie Scott, May Low, ? Madsen (Gene's twin), ?
MIDDLE: Mark Carlisle, Pat Thompson, Joe Leeper, Mary Hendricks, Lee Ann Dunham, Gloria Vasquez, Paula Ainsworth, Loydeen Bacon, Mike Acosta, Patty Daily, Mr Deeter.
TOP: Cindy Bowser, Danny Fido, ?, Barbara Batey, Karen Ferenz or France?, Bill Pratt, Steve Loudon?, Phyllis?, Dan Drees, Bruce McCormick

Teacher on the left is Mr. Robinson. He married Miss Admire.

Thanks to Jan Cooper Michels. Mary Hendricks Johnson and Mike Torres for these names!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Judy Casey Knowlton, BHS '67 (1949-1989)

Today I was sad to see on FIND A GRAVE this entry for Judy Casey.

I added her photo to the memorial as well as this excerpt from her Ceralbus page:

Link to Find a Grave

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

BHS Class '67 Commencement Program

BIG THANKS to Don Ray for scanning our class Commencement Program!





Fund Raiser via Mary Henricks Johnson, BHS '67

He loved me first

Hi Everyone,
I decided to Walk for Life because I feel every life is valuable, unique and precious in God's heart. I am raising funds for The Tri City Pregnancy Network.. TCPN helps woman facing the possibility and reality of pregnancy in a loving and non judge mental atmosphere. Free pregnancy tests, ultrasound exams ,Learn and Earn program are available to all woman regardless of their race, religion, single or married.Please help me support this Walk For Life by joining my team in this fundraiser. Any amount you can contribute goes to support the work of TCPN and the celebration of LIFE>
Mary Johnson


Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Mystery Novel by Linda Peterson, Ken's Wife

Check it out, folks!

Dear Former Classmates,

As some of you may know, my wife, Linda, writes mysteries. She has a new one coming out this month, The Devil's Interval, which has already received very strong reviews from two of the publishing industry's most influential resources: Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. She'll be doing several appearances, mostly readings and signings, in Southern California over the next few weeks. I know Linda would so appreciate a chance to say hi to any of my old classmates . She tells me that the Vroman's event (October 10, Vroman's Bookstore, Pasadena, 7 pm) should be particularly fun -- since it's the bookstore kickoff for Southern Cal, they're catering wine and nibbles of some kind.

Below is the flyer for Southern Cal appearances, and you can find more information on Linda's author website:

Of course, I'm the real writer in the family (so long as you like to cure insomnia by reading workers' compensation legal treatises), but I like to support Linda's literary accomplishments. Although I am hardly a disinterested or objective reviewer, I happen to like her latest book very much. Plus, it's a mystery set in San Francisco so there's plenty of inside info on both the elite of the city AND Death Row.

Thanks so much for considering a visit to see Linda at one of these events. Please feel free to pass this on to any other friends who like mysteries.

Ken Peterson

Friday, August 23, 2013

Taco Bar @ Bulldog Luncheon Sept 9, 2013

The luncheons are normally on the first Monday of the month, but since the first Monday is Labor Day it will be the following week.

And John Coyle has arranged a taco bar which will make for a fun luncheon.

The location is the Burbank Elks at 2232 N. Hollywood Way.

Time is 11 am and Lunch is $12.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Going Down Memory Lane with Jay 'Chris' Peterson

Great stories from retired teacher and 1967 BHS Alumni Jay 'Chris' Peterson!

Yep, I got a couple of those swat things! My favorite, and one that I have told dozens of people about including my students is the day in PE at Luther Burbank that the showers were getting refinished with a slippery epoxy finish. The non skid part of the finish need to be applied but for a couple of days we used the shower room.

We soon discovered that the drain could be plugged with a towel and an inch or two of water would fill the whole room. Then we used our intelligence to make a contest of sliding across the floor on our butts from wall to wall. Crashes and close calls made us wait for a 'right of way' before launching. I got my turn and blasted off and made a great pass near the entrance of the shower room only to look up and see Coach Bigbee standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips. Keep in mind this activity was done in the Greek style of the Olympics and we were naked as a (I hate to use my name is this manner) jaybird.

Coach gave me the signal to follow him to his office where he removed his favorite squash paddle from the wall. He was smiling proudly as he applied the business end of that famous paddle on my bare ass in firm and forceful manner. My butt did sting...... I still can feel it some 45+ years later. The spot of the paddle landing turned white and didn't turn to a deep red color until hours later. Coach was one of my favorite teachers at Luther Burbank and is in the Burbank Teachers Hall of Fame for Education.

I never, never, fooled around in any shop classes. Getting a swat from Mr. Risser, the print shop teacher, was a near death experience as I witnessed one and never wanted to get myself in his sights. Mr Goodell was another heavy handed user of the paddle. I steered a clear path of their vengeance.

The second swat was issued by Coach Engle in PE again. I kicked a volleyball during a combat dodge ball game in the gym. Yes, we were warned not to do that! He drew a box on my gym shorts with chalk and an "X" on his paddle weapon that would barely fit into the chalk box. He told me that if the X did not fit, I would get and additional application of paddle. He did a fine job of putting his trademark X on my left cheek. Oh the days of learning the hard way!


Another life experience during my secondary education was during the 1966 BHS football season. While performing my duties as a BHS Yell Leader, I got the opportunity to participate in a "papering" of a fellow high school student in the famed Foothill Athletic League. Something like three or four dozen rolls of Scott toilet paper were acquired from Bill's Ranch Market that was on the way to Hoover High School in Glendale.

This of course was on a Thursday night before our game at Memorial Stadium. Studying for my weekly algebra quiz was not on my calendar and I did have the time block open for this event. We made the drive to HHS and entered the front of the school 'ninja' style. Somehow we were not reported by school neighbors or passers by and left the school with its fresh application of ultra-soft Scott. Who knows how many times we really dodged well deserved penalties!

Then the game! I had this conversation with Tom Holst a few years ago and he filled in some missing information. The Holst's had a friend that recently came home from the navy. They were provided with a military grade smoke bomb and somehow it made its way to the Hoover/Burbank football game. Tom told me that the device had four parts and that one piece disappeared from his possession and was lit after Burbank scored a touchdown.

That night was one of those dead still no breeze nights and this noxious cloud of dense smoke sat over the game field for at least 10 minutes. The referees temporarily postponed the play on the field. I was trying to stop the continued burning of the smoke with my yell leader megaphone and it got so hot, the inside was to the point of catching fire also. The odor of smoke is still evident in it 47 years later. We were questioned the next week about the incident but we had no information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator(s) of this delay of game offense. I hope, someday, to bring the megaphone to a reunion.


2009 Sherry and Jay 'Chris' Peterson with Linda Peterson Everett looking at high school pictures.

May 17, 2013

Feb 12, 2012

Aug 11, 2010

Jan 9, 2010

Jan 9, 2009

Sept 17 2007

Aug 30, 2007

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2013 Reunion Fun at DeBell Clubhouse Grill Last Night!

scroll down for updates

What great fun it was seeing everyone who came to our little bash last night... let's do it again next year!!

Here are most of who came... there were a few more that aren't in this pic... a great time!

Tom Bennett, Annette Dinolfo Bennett, Jeannie Chiarolla Chambers, Albert Thuotte, Laura Unch, Sallie Shelton Thomas, Betty Wareham Worland, Duane Thaxton, Flora Angel Ferrens, Alan Singer, Neal Steven Hershenson, Carol Brown Baker, Eliede Drost Pounds, Shari Diane Goodstein Epstein, Don Ray, Linda Peterson Everett, Kathy Dupree, Diane Ward, Dona Foy Porcaro Bruckner, Scott Bruckner, Paul Munch, Deanna Jennings, Carolyn Diehl Munch, Denny Lombard, Joanne Yoffee Furer, Trudie Hentze, Jim Grasse, Cathy Palmer, John Coyle, Cathy Coyle, Fran Serafin, Marilyn Miller, Pam Kirkwood, Jon Kirkwood, Sara Marino Beciara, Jeanne Barron Aikman, Pam Hawkins Swan, Greg van der Werff and Shelly Perez Lucero.

L-R Cathy Palmer, Marilyn Miller, Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Joanne Yoffee Furer, Jeanne Barron Aikman, Greg van der Werff and Neal Hershenson

It was a beautiful day in Burbank as we drove past Burbank High and saw the big white B on the foothill

Always fun to see Wild Kingdom on the DeBell Golf Course... here's Bambi and friends as well as Wylie Coyote!

While sitting on the grass talking to Greg van der Werff, I noticed the grass wiggling and suddenly a little gopher poked his head out of a hole and began eating the grass. We watched it for a few minutes. Then it went back down and pushed the dirt up to cover the hole. We'd never seen a gopher in person and so close lol!

JULY 15, 2013 UPDATE
More photos from other classmates...

Photos by Pam Kirkwood

Trudie Lombard Hentze with brother Denny Lombard

Scott Bruckner and Betty Wareham Worland

Pam Kirkwood and Betty

Photo by Cathy Nicholls Coyle

Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Duane Thaxton, Cathy Palmer and Al Thuotte

Neal Hershenson and Cathy Palmer

Photo by Cathy Nicholls Coyle

Scott, Jeanne Barron Aikman and Jim Grasse

Photos by Linda Peterson Everett

Carolyn Diehl Munch and Paul Munch

Back: Flora Angel Ferrens, Marilyn Miller, Carolyn
Front: Deanna Lloyd Jennings, Linda Peterson Everett, Diane McCall Ward

Deanna and Linda

Linda and Marilyn

July 16, 2013 UPDATE
Pics from Joanne Yoffee Furer...