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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Leigh, Bob and Tom!

Welcome to the 60's Club Leigh (Rugee) Crossen - hope you have a great one, my friend!

Leigh enjoying her grandson.

Former Drill Team at the '67 Class 40th reunion.
L-R: Shari (Deuel) Nicholls, Dona (Foy) Bruckner, Karen (Lundigan) Panich, Leigh (Rugee) Crossen, Mary (Brotsis) Andersen (in drill team?? lol!), Patty (Hardinghaus) Klascius, Cathy (Nicholls) Coyle, Cathy Palmer

And also today the Holst twins are 61 years old! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GUYS! (I could never tell them apart in high school - lol!!)

CLICK HERE to see more of Bob & Tom!

Cathy (Nicholls) Coyle just emailed saying the Ceralbus has the wrong names for Tom and Bob - they should be reversed!!! How does she know? She dated Bob!

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