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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dr Burbank Statue Dedication Jan 12

No secrets here! Wes Clark posted this pic on my Facebook wall saying, "Sneak peek at the new Dr. David Burbank statue going up at Five Points Park. Dedication is 12 January."

Then found this at the City of Burbank website:

Five Points Dedication
Dr. Burbank statue unveiling
Date: 1/12/2010 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: corner of Burbank Blvd. & Victory Blvd.
1075 West Burbank Blvd.
Burbank, California

Please join the City of Burbank on Tuesday, January 12 for the Five Points Dedication and Dr. David Burbank Statue Unveiling. The ceremony will be held 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1075 West Burbank Blvd. (corner of Burbank Blvd. and Victory Blvd.)

Don't miss this historical day in the City of Burbank. Enjoy food, giveaways, and more!

Limited parking will be available in the Costco parking lot. For more information, please call (818) 238-5300.

BLOG COMMENT: Does it seem odd to you that this dedication is on a Tuesday in the middle of the day when most folks are either working or in school?? Also wondering, who paid for this?

January 8, 2010 UPDATE
It has come to my attention the following City of Burbank memorandum which gives a bit more info on this VERY expensive piece of art:

Date: January 5, 2010
To: Michael S. Flad, City Manager
From: Chris Dasté, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director


The purpose of this report is to request City Council approve a Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Andrea Favilli for the design, fabrication and installation of public art at Five Points and to amend the Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget.

On March 14, 2006, Council approved the development of a gateway public art project at the intersection known as Five Points, and appropriated a total of $300,000; $150,000 from the Public Art Fund and $150,000 from the Golden State Bond proceeds. Council also appointed a Site Specific Art Committee to assist in the selection of an artist.

On January 30, 2007, Council selected artist Andrea Favilli who proposed a slightly larger-than-life bronze sculpture of Dr. David Burbank standing in front of an approximately fifty foot flagpole on a large pedestal, featuring iconic images directly relating to Burbank’s history. The pedestal was proposed to sit atop a stepped pentagon base that rests on a circular pad of concrete elevated above the street level. A Professional Services Agreement (PSA) was executed with the artist to design, fabricate, and install a bronze sculpture for the Five Points Art Installation Project.

On July 31, 2007, per the recommendation of staff, the artist and landscape architect, Council approved an additional $65,000 to enlarge the sculpture to 10 feet in height. It was determined that the original size of the sculpture of 8 feet would not have the presence that was originally envisioned. The PSA was amended accordingly.

At the July meeting, City Council also selected the landscape design for this project. The design includes various concrete walkway paths, concrete pavers, concrete pad and steps to the base of the sculpture, trees, shrubs, vines, and site furnishings such as trash receptacles, benches and a drinking fountain. On June 23, 2009, a construction contract was awarded to DMA Greencare Contracting, Inc in the amount of $294,124.29 to complete the recommended site improvements at Five Points. Construction commenced on August 3, 2009 and was completed in December 2009.

The sculpture of Dr. Burbank was hand fabricated in Italy. The art piece was completed in August 2008 and was shipped to the City in October 2008. The funds originally appropriated ($365,000) towards this project were to cover all design, fabrication, and installation fees. However, since the completion and delivery of the art piece additional unexpected costs have been incurred. In September 2009, staff from Park, Recreation and Community Services Department provided the City’s Building Division with plan, specifications, and structural calculations to be issued permits to allow the construction phase of the project to commence. Upon further review, staff discovered that additional structural calculations needed to be prepared, given the height of the sculpture and the incorporation of a flag pole, to ensure that the art piece is safely installed to withstand strong gusts of wind. Since the art piece was hand fabricated, there were no boiler plate specifications available. The additional cost of the structural calculations is $9400. While the additional cost is unfortunate, staff is confident that the large statue and flag pole is installed properly and is a safe amenity for the public to appreciate.

In October 2009 Mr. Favilli received notice from the State Board of Equalization regarding an additional “use tax” for the sculpture of Dr. Burbank which was fabricated abroad. The artist routinely fabricates his art pieces abroad and he is quite familiar with all the fees and taxes that need to be paid when an art piece is fabricated overseas. However, given a recent change in the California’s tax law, all items purchased out-of-state for use in California are now subject to a “use tax”. This additional “use tax” is in addition to the regular sales tax that the artist has already paid. The additional tax is for $5,842.87 was not anticipated and therefore was not originally budgeted for.

Because both of these expenses were not anticipated, staff is requesting that Council approve a Second Amendment to the PSA (Exhibit A) with Andrea Favilli to compensate the artist for the unanticipated additional costs and appropriate funds from the Art in Public Places Fund to cover these unexpected expenses. The use of Art in Public Places Funds is warranted as these costs are directly related to the development and installation of the Five Points Art Installation Project.

Staff is requesting an additional appropriation of $15,242.87 from the Art in Public Places Fund to cover these additional expenses. The Fund has a balance of $386,482.12. If approved, $15,242.87 would be appropriated from the Art in Public Places Fund Balance Designation account (001.ND000.30001.1033) to the Five Points Art Installation Project (370.PR46A.70005.0000.16611).

It is the recommendation of staff that the City Council approve the Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Andrea Favilli for the design, fabrication and installation of artwork at Five Points.

Exhibit A – Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement

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