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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Email from Alan Singer

Thanks Alan for taking us on a stroll down memory lane!
Subject: Don Ray's email

Hi Cathy,

A few comment on Don Ray's email today.

I remember the same kind of movie theatre ticket prices as Don mentioned. Also, I remember that at the Cornell theatre they charged an extra 10 cents per ticket if they were showing a Disney movie. At that theater I believe there were stars, as well as large water stain, on the ceiling. Don mentions "loge seats", which I also remember. The loge seats were in the back of the theater, had different color upholstery (I think they were green), and they were more plush than the regular seats. I never got to sit in them. I do recall that some people who had bought regular seats tried to sit in the loge seats, and the ushers would evict them and make them go back to the regular seats. Like Don, I have no idea why they were called "loge" seats.

I can't remember the "no photographs" signs at Lockheed, but I do remember the "Sky Room", which was a restaurant that was elevated (I think it was located in the control tower). My dad took my brother (Shel Singer, BHS '65) and meI to eat there a few times in the 1950s. It was real exciting for a young kid. It burned down, I think sometime in the 1950s or 1960.

Thanks for your continuing work on the blog. I really enjoy it.

Alan Singer

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