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Friday, February 1, 2008

Flash Back

Great to hear from you, Donna, and thanks for the update!!

Hi Cathy,

I just read your blog about me being a go-go dancer. Please let me clarify that. Yes, Alice Floyd and I were "go-go dancers" in the RC Cola booth at the Teenage Fair at the Hollywood Palladium around 1964-65. We wore sweatshirts with the RC Cola logo on them and made $1.50 an hr. We had a blast getting lots of free stuff from all the other booths. I got stacks of RC Cola coupons and was drinking RC Cola for a long time.

There were I think about 3 or 4 Teenage Fairs back in the sixties with the first one at the Pickwick around the swimming pool. I still have a button that says "I crammed in a MG".

The original Beach Boys were there. I might have a brochure of that somewhere out in the garage. I'll have to look for it, but after the snow melts and it gets a little warmer. We have been getting hammered with snow this year. They say we are already about 30" above normal, with 32" inches being the season norm. I love the snow so it has been a real delight for me.

As for other little tid-bits about my past, I was also a "phone girl" on Ninth Street West with Sam Riddle. I was one of the girls they picked probably because I was so cute, (ha!!) to take calls for the dance contest they had on the show. The good ol' days were a lot of fun and always bring a smile to my face.

Thanks Cathy for the flashback!!

Donna Luce Neitman

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