Tell Us Your Story

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Story from the BHS Class of 1970

Thanks Alan for the story - glad to know our class is not alone!

Hi Cathy,

Just thought I would share a story that "tops" the Dave Nash story. My 1970 BHS class has had a reunion every five years since we graduated in 1970. While we were getting ready for our ten year reunion in 1980, someone on our reunion committee heard that one of our classmates, Tony Schiavone, had died related to drugs. So, we included Tony on our 'In Memoriam' list in our ten year reunion book.

Sometime around the time of our fifteen year reunion one of our committee members was in the bank at Victory and Chandler in Burbank, and who comes up to them but none other than Tony Schiavone! Tony said, "Hey, I heard you guys have me listed as dead in your reunion book." I don't know now what our committee member said, but we all felt bad for the mistake.

Well, we did not have a printed book or pictorial for our fifteen year reunion, so we were planning to have a notation and apology in our twenty year reunion book about Tony. As we began preparing for the twenty year reunion in 1990 someone else told us Tony Schiavone had died recently resulting from drug use! So, this time I phoned Tony's father myself to confirm the story, and he told me that yes indeed, it was true, Tony had recently died from drug use!!

So, Tony Schiavone has been listed in all of our reunion books deceased lists, even though he was actually alive until shortly before our twenty year reunion. We never got the chance to correct our first mistake and withdraw him from our list before he "fulfilled the prediction"! Kind of ironic.

Alan Landros BHS '70

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