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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Update on David Olin

Received this email from Linda Mustion which is now posted on the Memorial Page - thanks so much, Linda, for doing the research:

Hi! Cathy & Cathy.......I am passing on an update of our deceased classmate David Joseph Olin. I found out his brother's name and a phone number for him here in Burbank. His name is Jon Olin. So I called him and as it turns out Jon was a teacher at Burbank High for several years until he retired and does sub. teaching in different schools. Anyhow he told me that his brother and our classmate passed away in 1998 in Burbank of Lymphoma Cancer. David was married and divorced and had remarried but was separated. He was a sailor and had a sailboat and in 1990 he sailed to the South Pacific and ended up being gone 8 years. While in Australia he was diagnosed with cancer and treated there and it went in to submission and then returned. He sold the sailboat and flew back home and was home only for awhile before he passed away. About a week after his death his father had a heart attack and passed away. The family had a double funeral service. David Olin was cremated and his ashes scattered over Catalina Island.

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