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Thursday, May 22, 2008

BHS News from Tara

Thanks for the update Tara!

Hey Cathy,

I miss you dearly and haven't talked to you in a while. I hope you are well and everything is alright. Burbank High School's last day of school will be Friday, June 6, which is the day of Graduation 2008! yayy class of 2008.

This Monday was Key Club's banquet where old officers were dis-installed and the new officers were installed into their new high ranking and amazing cabinet positions. ASB banquet was Tuesday at Castaways, It was a heartfelt night with tears, joyous moments, and I would like to point out that our 9 year dedicated ASB Adviser Mrs. Miller is leaving us and there will be a new Adviser next year who will have a big shoe to fill. The new adviser is unknown but I will update you as soon as I know. Thank you Mrs. Miller for your dedication and she will definitely be missed dearly.

I will be sending pictures of the new officers' installment this weekend :]
I'll keep you posted!
Love; Your Friend,
Tara Karamians

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