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Saturday, May 10, 2008

From Aloha to Howdy, Ya'll

Thanks for the update, Mary Ogle - a girl on the go!
Movin' On to New Adventures
Fri, 9 May 2008

Aloha Everyone:

Just want to get y’all up-to-date with my crazy life as things are happening very quickly. I’ve sold my house and instead of moving into my brother Vern’s house here in Waikoloa he’s going to sell it to the long time tenant and I’m going to go to Texas! Vern has an empty house in Aransas Pass (near Corpus Christi) where I’ll settle first, then when it sells I’ll move in with him & his family in Richmond (near Houston) until I get my finances in better shape.

Everything has fallen into place rather quickly and I’ve realized that it’s the right time for me to leave the island; I’ll miss my wonderful house and terrific girlfriends, but I’m excited to be closer to family -- especially my grandson and granddaughter-on-the-way in Denver! Escrow should Close the Sale on June 6th, then I’ll stay with friends until my flight to Texas on June 15th. Besides moving & getting resettled, my summer plans include a family reunion in California in mid-July to celebrate my folks 60th Anniversary, and then the birth of my granddaughter who’s due on Aug. 20th (my Dad’s 90th birthday!) So there’s a lot of fun times ahead and I feel blessed.

Note that I’ll be shutting down this e-mail address in a few weeks, so please start using my new e-mail and keep in touch as you never know where I’ll turn up next!

Love, Mary J

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