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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Roller Derby!!

You STILL have your skate key??? WOW! And does anyone remember Harry's Roller Rink in Glendale? I remember seeing Paul Peterson from the Donna Reed show there every now and again - he was a cutie - lol!!

Hey CP:

Can you let our alumni know that there will be a Sr. Bulldog Luncheon this coming Monday, April 7th? It will be at the Burbank Elks Club at 11:00 a.m. Lunch is $12.00. Some of us girls will be wearing our old "skate keys." Can you believe it? We still have them after all this time? Are we sentimentalists or what? Thanks!

Cathy Nicholls Coyle

Do you recognize this object? Roller Skate KeyIf you rummage around some basements or flea markets, you may encounter one, for they are not rare. Indeed, not so long ago, children often attached one to a string and carried it around the neck. The device is a skate key, and it was used to attach roller skates to shoes.

The skater placed his or her shoe on the metal platform, tightened a leather strap around the ankle, and used the skate key to tighten clamps that grasped the soles of the shoes at the toe. The skate key also incorporated a wrench, or wrenches, that were used to adjust the skate to the user's size and make other adjustments.


More skating pics with last one from tv's Dick Lane's Roller Derby - LOL!!

Found a video of Woman's Roller Derby - "Rockin' and Sockin' at the Roller Derby!" HA!


EMAIL from Pam Kirkwood (ANOTHER one who still has her skate key - AMAZING!! LOL!):
This blog spot on the "skate keys" and skating is great!!! You guys are just amazing! I have my skate key out and sitting on the desk, so I won't forget to wear it tomorrow!
It is still on an old brown shoe lace...
Love, Pam

I was thinking about how many skinned knees I got over the years - lol!! One painful event was when I got the 'bright' idea to put my dog, Oscar, on a leash while I was on my skates and he pulled me down the street. It was great fun until I hit a bump and down I went - boom and OUCH! Screaming in pain, the neighbors came out and helped me get back home - ahhhh yes, memory lane... hahaaaa!

SKATING MEMORIES by Henny Porter and Cathy Nicholls Coyle:
Hi Cathy,
I had to laugh, when the blog mentioned our skate keys. I still have mine also. It's on it's original shoelace string that I wore then. Funny, how we keep such an odd memento isn't it? When we went to the Roller Rink I could hardly wait until they changed the direction that we were skating because my ankles hurt from leaning in the same direction, how about you? And how about all the fancy skaters in the middle? Nice memories.....

That's great that you kept your old skate key. My Mom and Dad got rid of a lot of our things when we got married and left their house but I actually did save a few things. I am so glad that I did! I hope you don't mind but I am going to forward your email to Cathy Palmer to put on her blog. She also had another roller skating memory. The memory I have right off the top of my head is how the neighbor boys next door took our skates and made them into skate boards! Another memory I have is that I had some old white (nurse looking) shoes that I used to put on my skates. You could really only have one pair of shoes that you used for your skates because the grips on the skates would make indentation marks on the front of your shoes...
Yes...they were very nice memories.....


Cathy and Cathy,
Jon and I remembered this song from the 60' or 70's...
"I've Got A Brand New Pair of Roller Skates, You have a Brand New Key''...This is the link for the words...The Last Link is the best...This will be our "THEME SONG" for the Skate Key Club!!! Pam and Jon

Here's another one about the artist...


GREAT!! Thanks Pam and Jon.
I also found a video below of Melanie singing her catchy little tune!

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