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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tara is New BHS Student Auditor

Congrats to you Tara! And thanks Alan for the update:

Hi Cathy,

I was at BHS yesterday being interviewed by three current BHS students, all Juniors who were born in 1991. It made me feel so old at 55! All of these girls are students in Dave Thomson's Advanced Placement U.S. History class, so they are smart young women. What made me feel sooo old, among other things(!), was none of them had ever heard of "The Music Man", "Seventy-Six Trombones", Meredith Wilson, Andy Griffith, "The Andy Griffith Show", Ron Howard, "Happy Days", the list went on and on! Also, not helping "feeling youthful", another teacher came by, (I thought he looked middle aged), and talked to us for a bit. When he was ready to leave, he said to me, "I'm so glad to have met you, SIR". When I heard that SIR I really felt ancient!

What I wanted to tell you is that while I was at BHS yesterday the three girls who I met with told me that Tara K., your baby bulldog BHS correspondent, won her election this week to become the BHS Student Body Auditor!

Alan L.

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