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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jeanne Barron Aikman's Photos

From one of the pre-reunion parties, to the lunch at Bob's, to the Sat night event, to the closing picnic, Jeanne covers it ALL with her wonderful photos - THANKS JEANNE!!!

Sue Lane, Peggy Flora, Deanna Lloyd, Mary Ogle and Marilyn Miller

Dave LeSueur

Jeanne Barron and Chris Peterson

Mary Ogle (back), Deanna Lloyd, Martha Youngquist (back), Ken Peterson and Neal Hershenson

Alan Singer and Tom Hurd

Paula Dean and Vince Goddard

Sue Lane and Peggy Flora (with spouses)

Peggy Flora, Jeanne Barron and Sue Lane

Mary Ogle, Jeanne Barron and Vince Goddard

Marilyn Miller, Tom Hurd and Mary Ogle

Andrea Moxness, Dave LeSueur and his wife, Mary

Dave LeSueur, Ken Peterson and Mary Ogle

Vince Goddard, Jeanne Barron and Alan Singer

At Bob's: Cathy Nicholls, Dona Foy, Cathy Palmer and Don Ray (Ripley)

Linda Mustion, Connie Cirinelli, Cathy Nicholls, Cathy Palmer, Don Ray, Jeanne Barron and Mary Ogle - all went to Miller except Linda!

Don and the Girls!

Chris Peterson with Dawn Moselle (Hourigan) and Dave Hourigan

Sharon Foy and Jo Godwin

Connie Cirinelli with husband, Don Edwards

Vince Goddard, Mary Brotsis, Paula Dean and Guest

Ron Wysocky, Martha Youngquist, Deanna Lloyd, Tom Hurd and Andrea Moxness

Kay Rodenberg, Vince Goddard and Jay Todd (Kay's husband)

Sue Williams (Shaw) and Jim Shaw

Anson Heimlick, Reunion photographer and Anson's wife

Sue Casimano and Sue Williams

Bud Childress and wife Mariann (Szoke) Childress BHS '69

Ron Panich and Neal Hershenson

Donna Luce, Mary Ogle, Mary Brotsis, Cathy Palmer and Jeanne Barron

Mary Ogle, Mary Brotsis, Cathy Palmer and Jeanne Barron

Elaine Morton, Cathy Palmer and Freddy Ortega... among others on the dance floor!

At Picnic: Dale Ferrens (husband of Flora Angel), Sheri Deuel, Flora Angel and Linda Mustion

Cathy Palmer and Al Thuotte

Ron Panich, Karen Lundigan (Panich) and Cathy Nicholls

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