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Monday, September 17, 2007

Peterson 40 yr Reunion Pics

UPDATE 9/20/07
More great photos from Jay Chris Peterson - thanks Mr. P!

Joan Nobile and Nancy Krogh

Wives of Grads: Debbie Iverson, Sherri Peterson and Cindy O'Dea

Cathy Nicholls and Donna Luce, Reunion Co-Chairwomen

Drill Team: Sheri Deuel, Dona Foy, Karen Lundigan, Leigh Rugee, Mary Brotsis (??drill team, Mary?? lol!), Patty Hardinghaus, Cathy Nicholls and Cathy Palmer

Anson Heimlick (alias Anson Williams or Potsie from Happy Days!)

Jeanne Barron, Johnny the DJ and Cathy Palmer

Flora Angel and husband Dale Ferrens

Dawn Moselle (Hourigan) and Dave Hourigan doing the Boogaloo!

Jim Grass won hands down!

Mary Brotsis "doin' her thang"!

Elaine Fein and Alma Tacket having fun on the dance floor!

Cathy Nicholls, Mary Brotsis and Cathy Palmer

Top: Nancy McClatchie, Kathleen Dupree, Marilyn Williams, Dawn Moselle, Joan Ely, Cathy Nicholls and Carol Thompson. Bottom: Susan Casimano, Dona Foy, Cathy Palmer

Continuing Top: Donna Luce, Nancy Krogh, Shari Goodstein, Linda Mustion, Mary Brotsis, Diane McCall, Leigh Rugee, Virginia Shoemaker. Continuing Bottom: Rebecca Sorenson, Joan Nobile, Mary Ogle and Alma Tacket

Continue Top: Flora Angel, Dani Marie Kleist, Kay Rodenberg, Shari Deuel, Martha Youngquist. Continuing Bottom: Elaine Fein and Jeanne Barron

Thanks Chris for the great photos!!
I posted several below.

Hi Ya!

I have a CD of last night's incredible gathering ready to send you. I also posted an album on but I want you to feel free to use what ever you want from the CD. I can't wait to see what you post on your blog......and the responses to it. Great seeing you last night and the evening was remarkable. Send me an address.


Jeanne Barron and Chris Peterson

Deanna Lloyd, Neal Hershenson, Marilyn Miller and Jeanne Barron

Mary Ogle, Jeanne Barron and Vince Goddard

Nancy Winner

Elaine Fein and Michael Gibson

(Standing) Cathy Nicholls, Marilyn Williams, Rebecca Sorenson (behind), Kathleen Dupree, Patty Hardinghaus. (Sitting) Kay Rodenberg and Karen Lundigan

Dave LeSueur and Ray Lackey

Elaine Morton, Nancy Krogh, Joan Nobile, Sherri Peterson (Chris' wife) and Fred Ortega (Joan's husband)

Guest, Jim Herren and Sherri Peterson

Tom Iverson with wife Debbie

Debbie and Tom Iverson

Sherri Peterson and Cathy Nicholls

Dawn Moselle (Hourigan) and Dave Hourigan talking to Suzanne Lane

Johnny, the DJ


John Coyle BHS '65 and Cathy Nicholls (Coyle)

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